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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 01/26/2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH
Committee Members Present:      Mike Morin, Jim Horgan, Arthur Capello, Brian St. Onge, Cindy Snowdon and Ann Titus.
Committee Members Absent:       Chris Somma, Chris Biron and Sam Cataldo
Selectmen’s Representative:     Gail Ellis
School Board Representative:    Ken Dickie
Town Staff Present:     Town Adminstrator Tony Mincu, Town Clerk Kathy Seaver, Recreation Dept. Director Rick Conway, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague and Library Director Deb Christie.
Public Present:                 Paula Proulx (Selectman)
At 7:00pm, Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting.
  • Review of Proposed Library Budget:
  • Deb Christie, Library Director, explained that the Board of Selectmen recommended level funding from 2009 but level funding is not really level funding when they have certain contractual increases.  She did however bring the budget back to the library board and they have created a revised budget with a total of $268,898 that will cover the building expenses but will also cut services.  The library spent $284,599.64 in 2009.  
  • Arthur asked if the Board of Selectmen have approved the amended budget figure and Ms. Christie replied no.
  • Arthur asked if salary increases are proposed in this budget and Ms. Christie replied yes the salaries are loaded with a 4% increase.
  • Arthur asked what the mileage reimbursement rate is and Ms. Christie explained the rate is $0.48/mile.
  • Ms. Christie explained with the present economy situation they have seen a 48% increase in adult participation and a 52% increase in children’s participation.
  • Gail commented that the Board of Selectmen level funded and/or cut all town budgets this year and felt comfortable being consistent with the library as well based on the economic times.
  • Gail asked if all library services are located in the library and Ms. Christie replied yes, unless they don’t have enough room and then they move the program to the schools.
Arthur asked if the Town pays for internet access and if budget cuts will effect this service and Ms. Christie replied no, the library access is part of the Metrocast agreement with the Town but budgetary cuts could result in a reduction in hours at a time when the library computers are used for job exploration and unemployment processing.
  • Arthur asked what the library has planned in capital improvement projects and Ms. Christie replied the roof needs to be replaced and the money in this line goes into the CIP fund for these types of projects.  Arthur then asked if there is $30,000 in the fund now and the roof replacement is estimated at $16,000 then wouldn’t it be possible to cut $5000 from the CIP line without impacting services.
  • Gail asked what the “medical” line is for and Ms. Christie explained it is for a stipend paid to the full-time staff in lieu of medical insurance.
  • Review of Election Vital Statistics Proposed Budget:
  • Mike informed the committee that before benefits the total for this budget is $133,308.88 which is a decrease from the 2009 budget of $135,965.  With benefits the total budget is $164,020.67.
  • Arthur asked what the increase in tax liens is approximately and Kathy Seaver
  • Arthur asked how much the health insurance is up by and Tony explained the insurance is up by 18% but the employee contribution is also up by 18%.
  • Review of Parks and Recreation Budget:
  • Mike explained the proposed budget is $174,599.05 or $127,450.88 before benefits which is a decrease from the 2009 budget.
  • Cindy asked if the person who used to plan the senior trips has been replaced and Rick said no, the position will not be replaced and the duties have been absorbed by current staff.
  • Mike asked what line the summer help pay comes out of and Rick explained the summer help is paid out of the rec. revolving fund.
  • Other Culture and Rec. Proposed Budget Review:
  • Arthur asked if there has been any discussion on not funding Hay Day this year and doing fundraising instead.   Rick replied he discussed this with the Board and because Hay Day is such an important and big event each summer the Selectmen agreed to fund it but he will put out collection buckets for donations for the fireworks a month or so before the event.
  • Mike asked how long the Boys and Girls Club donation has been given and Arthur explained this donation has been in the budget for at least the past 9 years that he has been on the budget committee.  Rick explained this small donation helps the Boys and Girls Club and they sponsor all the children’s sports in town.  Arthur commented that he would like to see a copy of their budget and how this donation helps them and is utilized.  Tony and Rick will work together to get this documentation.
  • Cindy asked what happened with the Explore Program.  Rick explained the line dollar amount was encumbered for the 2010 printing of Recreation/Community brochures and that no money is currently going towards the Explore Program because it no longer exists.
  • Cindy asked who approves the recreation revolving fund expenditures.  Rick explained the money comes in from programs; for example when they collect $40 a week per child for the afterschool program that money is turned around and used to pay the salary for the program.  Also, some trips are paid for out of the fund and then reimbursed when the participants pay the registration/participation fee.  Cindy asked who authorizes the actual expenditures and Rick replied he does, by following the Town purchasing policy.  Paula Proulx added that the expenditures are dictated through the RSAs.
  • Review of Water Proposed Budget:
  • Mike informed the Committee that the total budget is 4311,855.72 which is about a $50,000 decrease from 2009.
  • Arthur asked how hour water rates compare to other surrounding towns.  Dale replied he could get those figures but our rates are based on what we need to keep our systems running.  The state average is $439 and our rate is $372.  Dale stated he is not predicting any water rate increases this year.
  • Dale explained that line 307 (Mainline Renewal) for $20,000 was supposed to be cut per a Selectmen decision.
  • Mike asked what happens with any funds that are left over at the end of the year.  Dale explained that the funds stay in the water accounts and are reallocated in the following year’s budget through the enterprise fund.  The Selectmen have the authority to expend these funds to offset expenditures that aren’t covered with the water payments.
  • Dale stated the 2009 projected revenues are 4294,120.
  • Review of Wastewater Proposed Budget:
  • Arthur asked what the status is of the new wastewater treatment facility.  Dale explained that 55% of the grant has been approved and $500,000 in CDBG grant funding is pending.  Phase 1 went out to bid and was 50% funded with ARRA funds.  Also, Phase 1 came in under budget so they were able to move Phase 2 items to Phase 1 to take advantage of the funding.  The bid process for Phase 2 will commence in a few months.
  • The total of this budget is $309,058.50 which is approximately $48,000 less then the 2009 budget and is mostly attributed to the decrease in consultant costs for the wastewater treatment facility.
  • The 2010 anticipated revenue is $338,000 so a rate increase is not needed this year but there will be one needed in 2013 to pay for the new facility and the Selectmen may decide to increase the rate slowly over the next few years instead of all at once.
Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor at 9:27pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Michael Morin