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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 12/15/09
Tuesday – December 15, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Jim Horgan, Brian St.Onge, Ann Titus, Arthur Capello, Sam Cataldo and Cindy Snowdon.

Members Excused:        Mike Morin, Chris Biron and Chris Somma

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis (absent)

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickie

Public Present: Superintendent Michelle Langa, School Finance Administrator                             Carolyn Rioux, Technology Director Josh Olstad, Joe Pitre, VVCS                         Principal Cynthia Sparks and HWMS 4-6 Principal Jeffrey Keene.

Vice-Chairman Brian St. Onge opened the meeting at 7:03pm.  

A. Review of Valley View School Budget: (Principal Cynthia Sparks presenting)
  • Ms. Sparks explained the new equipment line has a new laminator budgeted within it because the current one no longer works.
  • The tuition special education out of district line shows a significant reduction because it is allocated proportionally throughout the individual schools now with the new budget program.
  • The special education test forms line has an increase because of a new format and more replacement copies are needed.
  • The general office supplies line has increased because it was not appropriately allocated last year to cover shipping costs.
  • Arthur questioned why the textbook line has increased and Ms. Sparks explained the line will cover the purchase of science supplies that have not been replaced for several years though the majority of the line will be spent to purchase two 3rd grade SRA kits for reading instruction.
  • Arthur asked what the $12,998 for service contracts is for and Ms. Sparks explained it is for a behavior consultant for the district and tutoring outside of school for medical reasons.
  • Arthur then asked if the nurses are covered under any Collective Bargaining Agreement and Ms. Langa said yes the teachers’ contract.
B. Review of Technology Budget: (Josh Olstad presenting)
  • Mr. Olstad explained the equipment line is increased to cover three new computers for the Technology department.  He noted that his computer will be three years old and out of warranty and the other two computers were used to begin with.  Also, the school was donated a server three or four years ago and he would like to replace this because he is afraid the current one is going to fail soon.  The approximate cost of a server is $5,000 to $6,000.
  • Software licensing has increased because he budgeted for computers coming in through the ARRA grant and Title 1 grants.  This figure includes 75 new licenses and is based on a per computer cost.
  • The E-rate expense line is for a new rebated that is available to schools based on free and reduced lunch and has to be budgeted for though it will be offset with revenue.
  • The travel out-of-district line is new and will be used for mileage reimbursement to conferences and to Concord to the Department of Education.
  • Sam asked what type of internet the schools have and Mr. Olstad explained the schools have a Metrocast business cable connection at about $300 a month for the High School and Henry Wilson and VVCS has free internet via the franchise agreement.
  • Arthur asked why the media tech special projects line is up $3400.  Ms. Langa replied it is for consultants to come in and help with issues that Josh might not have experience in and for televising school activities.  Ms. Rioux added that the line is level-funded from last year but Josh didn’t need the whole amount last year so the line was re-allocated.
  • Arthur asked why the salary line has an increase and Ms. Langa explained it is based on a three year negotiated contract with Josh.
  • Cindy asked if there needs to be an increase in the number of staff to keep up with the many new computers the district is receiving and Mr. Olstad replied there are formulas for staffing but he always purchases the three year business class warranty with the computers.  Ms. Langa added that they are putting together a replacement schedule for all technology as well.  Mr. Olstad then added they he also purchases accidental insurance for 135 laptops about $100 per laptop.  Brian suggested the schools do a cost analysis for this insurance cost.
C. Henry Wilson Memorial School (HWMS) 4-6 Budget Review: (Principal, Jeffrey Keene presenting)
  • Mr. Keene explained the supplies/English/Lang. Arts line has increase to purchase the materials to go along with the new reading series.
  • The math supplies line shows an increase to purchase the manipulatives and teaching tools for the Everyday Math Program.
  • The textbook line represents the 6th grade reading series.
  • The consumables line is for Everyday Math journals, vocabulary development workbooks, NH history consumables and reading practice books.
  • Brian asked if the computer lease line was moved out of the technology budget and placed here and Ms. Rioux said yes.
  • Mr. Keene explained the magazine/print subscriptions line is used to purchase periodicals to extend student learning.  Ann asked if they approached the PTA to see if they could pay for any of these subscriptions and Mr. Keene replied that he knew the PTA is paying for at lease one subscription and they will be bringing other requests to them like Nature’s Classroom.
  • The contracted services line is for an interpreter for a handi-capped child that will be coming up from VVCS.
  • The SPED position is up because it is based on historical figures that have been overspent in the past.
  • Nature’s Classroom was removed from this budget per the Board’s request.  Joe Pitre asked what will happen if the default budget is passed and Ms. Rioux explained that the line will be back in.  Ms. Rioux explained that RSA says the default budget is last year’s budget with contractual obligations and one time expenditures.  Arthur asked if the default budget could have Nature’s Classroom removed at the discretion of the school board.
  • The course payments/staff development line is to meet contractual obligations.
  • Arthur asked what the new section titled Improvement to Instruction is for and Ms. Langa explained that because the Reading First was such a success at VVCS they have decided to expand that positions reach to HWMS.
  • A large discussion was held on the library services where Cindy asked if the library assistant position that was cut as a result of the default budget passing could be reinstated because of his value to the students.  It was discussed that many valuable positions were cut as a result of the default budget such as a HS reading specialist, a licensed nurse, 3 paraprofessionals, a Special Ed. Teacher and the Ed. Tech teacher.  Cindy noted that her concern is that the voters are not aware of what passing the default budget does to our schools.  Ken commented that when the School Board deliberated on this budget they recognized the economic constraints and worked diligently to prepare a responsible budget the voters could trust to be as lean as possible and it would not be responsible to add back in this position.
  • Arthur questioned why the office aide salary line has a $5000 increase and Ms. Rioux explained that the proposal is to increase the position 30 minutes per day and from the school year to a full year to better meet the demands of the position and the schools.  This is a shared position amongst both ends of HWMS.
Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary


Mike Morin, Chairman