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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 10/16/09
Wednesday – December 16, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Jim Horgan, Sam Cataldo, Arthur Capello, Chris Somma, Brian St.Onge, Ann Titus, Chris Biron and Cindy Snowdon.

Members Excused:        Mike Morin

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickie

Public Present: Angelique Willen, Bonnie Tellis, Scott Mooers, Dian Pitre,                                      Michelle Langa and Carolyn Rioux.

Vice-Chairman Brian St. Onge opened the meeting at 7:03pm.  

A. Review of Maintenance-Buildings and Grounds Budget: (Scott Mooers presenting)
  • Scott pointed out the major increases in his budget as; 1. snow removal – up $4000 because based on actual cost from previous years, 2. ground maintenance lines up at HWMS and VVCS because both playgrounds need bark mulch and 3. electricity and oil up at all schools because the figures are based on actual costs for each school.
  • Gail asked why the salary, ballfield maintenance line is up.  Scott replied this is for mowing of the fields seven days a week.  Carolyn added that this line has been historically overspent so this is not an increase but just a true figure.
  • Carolyn stated that this budget is level funded but lines have been moved around to show true figures for each individual school.
  • Arthur asked why line 2620-54392-00-66 is up and Carolyn explained this line is for a stripping machine, repairs to the AC units, one wet vac and once backpack vac.
  • Sam asked what kind of Hazmat materials are being disposed of and Scott replied they have light bulbs and science lab materials that have to be disposed of.
  • Brian asked why line 54395 in the VVCS budget is level funded when it has few expenditures.  Scott replied he was unable to purchase the scheduled furniture due to the budget being frozen but he will be using the line this year.
  • Scott informed the committee that the boiler in the Annex and the FLA needs to be replaced.
  • Brian asked what the vehicle maintenance line is for, noting it is new.  Carolyn replied that this line was moved out of the student transportation budget because it is for the tractors, lawn mowers and such.
B. Review of Transportation Budget: (Bonnie Tellis presenting)
  • Bonnie explained that there are no real changes in her budget but all the transportation related costs are now in this budget.
  • Brian asked why the salaries for HS field trips is increased and Carolyn explained that in previous years the salaries were all clumped together and now they are budgeted for each school so this is not a real increase.
  • Bonnie pointed out that line 10-2729-51170 (misc.) was increased so the line would not show a negative.  In the past this line was never budgeted for and the line only read a negative because it was used to pay for trips that were reimbursed for by groups.
  • Bonnie explained that she is getting a new wheel chair van through a grant so she added a line for repairs and maintenance for that vehicle.
C. Review Food Service Budget: (Dian Pitre presenting)
  • The POS repairs lines were moved to the systems maintenance and computer software sections.
  • Carolyn explained the “FMV” lines are reimbursed by the state.  The government reimburses $2.57 for free lunches, $2.17 for reduced lunches and $0.24 for regular lunches with the average cost of a meal at $2.97-$3.20.
D. Review of HWMS (7-8) Budget: (Angelique Willen presenting)
  • Ms. Willen explained that if the special education tuition is removed from this budget it would show a decreased budget of $56,795.22.
  • Brian asked why there is such a big drop in textbooks and Ms. Willen replied that she is not replacing any whole sets of textbooks this year.  This line will be used to purchase replacement texts and an 8th grade writing supplement program.
Carolyn explained that the computer lease line is reallocated and not for a new lease.

E. District Wide Expenditures Budget: (Carolyn Rioux presenting)
  • Carolyn explained this section used to be titled School Board.
  • Carolyn explained that the sick day buyback line is for the district to use as needed though they have budgeted for sick day buyback in each school budget as well.
  • Carolyn explained the district is in its third year of a 3 year contract for auditing and that the 2009 audit will be completed next Tuesday.
  • Attorney and Legal fees are up because there are three collective bargaining agreements expiring at the end of the year.
  • Advertising and Notices is up due to historical figures.
  • Printing and reports is down because they have decided to print the annual reports in house this year.
  • School Board misc. is down based on actual figures.
  • the SAU apportionment which is calculated based on RSA is an estimate right now and will have a more concrete figure next week.
  • The internet service is a negotiated price and shows a decrease this year.
  • The school resource officer line shows an increase due to health and retirement costs increase not a salary increase.
F. Debt Service and Transfers Budget Review:  (Carolyn Rioux presenting)
  • The interest in down and this is the second to the last bond payment.
  • Transfers to the capital reserves has not been decided upon by the school board yet except for the out-of-district trust fund which will be funded out of surplus if approved.
  • Jim asked if the school department is overstaffed in the SAU and Ms. Langa replied absolutely not and that everyone is working at maximum capacity.
Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried at 8:43pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary