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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 10-28-09
Wednesday – October 28, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Sam Cataldo, Jim Horgan, Chris Somma, Brian St.Onge, Ann Titus, Arthur Capello

Members Excused:        Chris Biron and Cindy Snowdon

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickie

Public Present: School Superintendent Michelle Langa and Interim Business                               Administrator Carolyn Rioux

Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting at 7:05pm.  

1. Review of Minutes:
A. Jim Horgan motioned to accept the 9-23-09 minutes as presented, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Arthur Capello abstaining.  

Brian asked Gail if she found out what the payment in lieu of taxes 9line 3186) was for and Gail replied that she sent it with the email but it had something to do with the Farmington Child Care Center.  She will forward the email again.  It was also discussed that the email correspondence regarding the answers to questions brought up in meetings should be attached to the minutes so they are recorded.

2. Review of MS 24, MS 25 and DOE 25:
A. Ms. Rioux explained that the MS-24 shows the estimated revenue for 2009/2010 school budget year and is what the taxes are set from.  It shows $194,773.28 in unreserved fund balance of which $150,000 is set aside for trust funds per the Town warrants.  The remaining $47,773.28 is what is left to help reduce the taxes.  She then pointed out that the difference between the district assessment of $11,787,166 and FY10 State Education Grants of $6,838,255 is what the taxes must cover.

B. Ms. Rioux then reviewed the MS-25 with the Committee.  She explained that it shows actual expenditures for the 2008-09 school year but not the encumbrances because it is for true expenditures only.

C. Ms. Rioux explained that the DOE 25 has the same numbers as the MS-25 but is just a more detailed representation instead of a summary.

3. Schedule Budget Review Dates:
Mike read that the last date for a budget hearing is 1/19/2010, the last date to post a hearing is 1/12/2010 and the last date for collective bargaining agreements is 1/12/2010.  Arthur Capello motioned to hold the public hearing for the school budget on January 14, 2010 with a snow date of January 19, 2010 at Farmington High School at 7pm, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried.

The school budget workshops were scheduled for December 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17 at the high school library at 7pm.

4. Review of Town Budstats:
A. Mike asked what line 01-4902-30-740 (2009 JAG grant) is and Gail explained it is the police department grant that purchased the cruiser, in-car cameras, guns and such.

B. Mike asked if the State school funding goes through the Town and then to the school and Gail replied no.  Mike followed up by asking why there is a line that reads school taxes.  Gail explained it is the money that is raised through taxation that goes to the school

C. Arthur asked how the Town is looking revenue wise and Gail said she would find out.

D. Arthur asked what line 01-4312-20-690 (hwy dept. misc.) is for and why it is overspent by $1523.32.  Gail said she would look into it.

E. Arthur asked why there is a mileage expenditure for the animal control officer when she has a Town vehicle.  Gail explained that there was a problem with the vehicle and she was using her personal vehicle for awhile.

F. The assessed value of the Town is $467 million according to Town Administrator Tony Mincu.  Gail explained that the Selectmen chose to buy down the taxes this year with $419,758 out of the unreserved fund balance.

5. New Business:
A. Arthur asked if the SAU Board or Town will look to create a warrant to pull out the SAU budget so that it goes through the same budget process as all other Town budgets.

The next meeting was changed to Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 7pm due to the holiday.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Motion carried at 8:57pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Mike Morin , Chairman