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Budget Committee MInutes 6-24-09
Wednesday – June 24, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Sam Cataldo, Chris Biron, Jim Horgan and Cindy Snowdon.

Members Excused:        Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello, and Chris Somma

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickie

Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting at 7pm.  

1. Review of Minutes:
A. Jim Horgan motioned to accept the 5-27-09 minutes as presented, 2nd Chris Biron.  Motion carried.

B. Gail Ellis moved to accept the minutes of 6-11-09 as written, 2nd Sam Cataldo.  Motion carried with Chris Biron and Jim Horgan abstaining.

2. Review of Town Budstats:
A.  Chris asked what the difference is between the rebuild/repave line (01-4312-10-630) and the highway paving line (01-4312-10-689).  Gail replied that the highway paving is for paving of the roads and the other line is for road work.  Chris then asked what roads have been paved for the $15,000 that has been expended thus far and Gail said she would check.
B. Cindy commented that she saw the Town crew working downtown to repaint the parking lines and the crosswalks but she does not see any expenditures for the “painting of lines” budget line.  Gail explained that the Selectmen just approved a vendor for the painting of lines on Monday night.  Ken added that the striping of the downtown roads is supposed to be done by the state because they own the roads.  Cindy subsequently asked where the money is that was expended for the painting of the parking lines and crosswalks.  Gail replied it could be anywhere but she would check to see what line it is charged to and how often it is done.
C. Chris asked what repairs are being done with the line for the 2009 loader repairs at the landfill.  Gail will get the specific repair list for the line.
D. Mike asked if Gail ever got an answer for the TAN interest and Gail replied she believes it was the same answer she had before.
E. Jim asked what line 01-5000-18960 (Preservation Guild) is for and Gail said that the line name needs to be changed and it is for the printing of the Explore brochures though this year that line was funded through encumbered funds from last year.
F. Cindy asked if the summer recreation program pays for itself and Gail replied yes.
G. Jim asked if the Town ever completed the change over to the more cost-effective street lighting.  Gail said the conversion was complete.  Jim asked when the Town should start seeing the savings and Gail commented that she is not sure, but she will look into the specifics.
H. Mike asked what the capital reserve withdrawal for $44,636 was for and Gail said she would check.
I. Jim asked if there was an attempt to save money in the budget this year or just not spend as much as last year.  Gail said that all the department heads are being very careful to only purchase what is needed.  Jim asked if any positions have been terminated and Gail said nothing has been discussed. Jim then asked how much grant money the Town was expecting that they did not get and therefore will have to budget for.  Gail said she would look into it.

3. Review of School Budstats:
A. Mike said he heard rumors that the school lunch program was in the red for the end of the school year but it looks like it is in the black.   Ken replied that he thinks the “in the red rumor” was when the school was changing over to the new computer budget system but the program finished in the black.
B. Cindy asked what happens to excess food at the end of the year and Ken replied that the kitchen is diligent in making sure they have no food left in the freezers and fridges over the summer, which is why they have sandwiches the last week of school.
C. Ken stated that Carolyn Rioux, business consultant, stated at the last school board meeting that there would be enough money left over in the 08-09 budget to pay the Middleton tuition back and fund the three capital reserve funds.
D. Cindy asked if the new buses were leased yet and Ken replied that they cannot be leased until the 09-10 school year.  The schools did get a large stimulus grant and will be purchasing wheelchair accessible bus.  Cindy asked what else was purchased with the grant and Ken replied that most of it was technology based to help get the school out of the School in Need of Improvement status.  

4. New Business:
A. Meeting Schedule – The Committee was in consensus to no meet in July or August and will meet again on September 23.
B. There will be a deliberative session on June 30 at 7pm in the High School library for the Custodial Bargaining Agreement with the voting on August 4, 2009.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Mike Morin, Chairman