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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 5-27-09
Wednesday – May 27, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello, Sam Cataldo, Cindy Snowdon, Chris Biron, and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Chris Somma   

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickey

Public Present: Charles Wiebel, Penny Morin, Joe Pitre and Carolyn Rioux (MRI                           Business Consultant).

Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting at 7pm.  

1. Review of Minutes:
A. Jim Horgan motioned to accept the 4-22-09 minutes as written, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Cindy Snowdon and Gail Ellis abstaining.

2. Review School Budstats:
A. Ken Dickey explained that the reports were done with the new system that is now up and functioning.  Carolyn Rioux explained the new structure of the budstat and how to read it, stating that the account numbers are based on the state account structure.
B. Mike requested a food service budget report for the June 24th meeting.
C. Answers from the last meeting from the school side.  
        1. Ken explained that in regards to line 2620-4220 (snow removal) he found out that there were no monies expended at that time because the contractor had not yet billed the school department but they have since.
        2. Ms. Rioux explained that ETF is an acronym for Expendable Trust Fund and that the particular line was for a 2007-08 expenditure and the line has been removed and put under the Trust Funds.  She also provided the members with an acronym reference sheet.
D. Arthur asked for a copy of the 2009-10 default budget.  Ms Rioux replied that it is complete and she will forward it to the committee with a list of what cuts were made.  Cindy asked if the new driver for the new bus is loaded into the default budget and Ms. Rioux replied yes.
E. Mike asked if the school department will still need the contract service for speech services and School Board member Penny Morin replied that they did hire two speech personnel and that they will not need the contract service for the next school year.
F. Ken informed the committee that a calculation error was found in the calculation of Middleton’s tuition in the amount of $263,000, so the school department will end up with a revenue deficit this year.  Ms. Rioux added that she is however comfortable that the expenditures will not be over expended.  Then Ken added that the School Board is creating a policy on how to “exactly” calculate the Middleton tuition so this error will not occur again no matter who is doing the calculations.
G. Arthur asked what the School Board is doing to reduce the deficit for food service.  School Board member, Charles Wiebel replied that he plans on discussing that exact subject with the School Board as well as many other larger items due to State budget cuts.
H. Charles Wiebel reported that the School Board was able to settle on the Maintenance Collective Bargaining Agreement at $13,062, which is half of what it was.  A special meeting will be held to vote on this new contract.
I. Cindy asked for information on the 21st Century Grant and whether or not it is 100% grant funded and what will happen to the program when the funding is gone.
J. Arthur asked if non-contract employees’ salaries can be modified by the budget committee during budget workshops or if they are set in a contract by the Superintendent.
K. Jim asked for a description of what the direct impact to the students will be with the $200,000 cut.
L. Mr. Wiebel mentioned that the Budget Committee could send letters to the Senators and Governor on proposed cuts and how they will affect our Town.  Jim noted that the Budget Committee is not knowledgeable on how these cuts will affect the schools, but commented that the Committee would probably endorse such a letter if one was drafted.

3. Review Town Budstats:
A. Arthur commented that he would like a couple year history on the budget worksheets from the Town this year.
B. Arthur inquired on the status on the funding for the Waste Water Treatment Facility.  Gail replied that the Town has been applying for grants and that she will forward announcements of grant awards as she learns of them.
C. Arthur asked how the Town is doing with revenue sources and Gail replied that revenue is down in some areas like registrations and the Board of Selectmen is meeting on June 1st to review the Town’s status.
D. Mike pointed out the remittance report has a line for “refund police cruiser for $6,000) and questioned what it is for.  Gail replied she would look into it.
E. Arthur asked for information on the tazers that were requested and Gail explained that the Police Department has a grant available and they wanted to purchase tazers with the funds but the Selectmen felt that in car cameras were more important to purchase at this time.
F. Brian asked why line 01-4312-206-684 (Hwy Engine Oil) is overspent by almost 48% already.  Gail replied that she knows the Selectmen authorized the purchase of synthetic oil but she is not sure if the figure is a reflection of that purchase or not so she would check.
G. It was questioned why the “Tax Anticipation Note” line was overspent.  Gail replied that she believes it was because the school did not have the information turned into DRA on time but she would check.
H. Cindy asked if the Selectmen resolved finding money to letter the old Fire Department Command Vehicle for the Animal Control Officer.  Gail replied that the she knew the seal was taken off the car.  Arthur noted that the Animal Control Officer drove one of the PD SUVs to his house several weeks ago on a call.  Gail commented that she would look into it.

Next meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2009 at 7pm.

Brian St. Onge motioned to adjourn, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:46pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary