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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 4-22-09
Wednesday – March 25, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello (arrived at 9:20pm), Chris Biron, Chris Somma and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Cindy Snowdon   

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting at 7pm.  Mike noted that Chris Somma was unable to get sworn back on to the budget committee so he would be abstaining from all votes tonight.

1. Review of Minutes:
A. Jim Horgan motioned to accept the 2-10-09 minutes as amended to clarify the acronyms, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried with Chris Biron, Ann Titus and Mike Morin.

B. Ann Titus moved to accept the minutes of 2-25-09 as written, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Chris Biron, Ann Titus and Mike Morin abstaining.

2. Reorganization of the Committee:
A.  Jim Horgan nominated Mike Morin for Chairman, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B. Jim Horgan motioned to nominate Brian St. Onge for Vice-Chairman, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C. Jim Horgan motioned to nominate Chris Somma for Secretary, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D. Mike stated that as Chairman he will be abstaining from all votes unless his vote is needed to break a tie.

3. Review of Policies and Procedures:
A. The committee reviewed their policies and procedures.  

4. Vacant Seats:
A. Mike welcomed new member Chris Biron.  Gail will check to see if she can get copies of the Local Government Center (LGC) book “Basic Law of Budgeting” and RSA 32 for all members that need them.  It was also discussed that the committee will need to have Megan post the vacant seat according to their policies.

5. Review of Last Year’s Budget Process:
A. School Budget Process – Jim stated that throughout the budget process he felt the budget committee was not in consensus on whether or not to support certain programs like Nature’s Classroom and he would like to have discussions on these items prior to the next budget season so a united recommendation can go forward.  Several members noted that they understood Jim’s point of view but many of the items came up as new line items this years so the only time to discuss them was within the budget process.
        Jim added that he thinks the committee should come up with a solid number they would like the school department to use for their non-collective bargaining agreement employees.  Mike noted that the default budget passed at town meeting and therefore these employees received no pay increase for the 2009-2010 school year.  The committee then discussed that they were glad the school came with the COLA for their increases but that they felt it was not a responsible number at 5.1% to present to the taxpayers in this tough economic year.
        Mike stated that the committee should probably review the capital reserve accounts for the school and make suggestions for consolidation.  Jim stated that he remembered something about insulation be removed from one of the schools (he thinks it was HWMS) and questioned if it was replaced.  This is a question for the school board.  Jim then asked if the technology at the schools is caught up and Mike replied no, but they said it should be caught up to the state requirements by June 30, 2009.  Gail questioned if they applied for any stimulus money.  Ann added that she believes there is a plan in place to keep on track with the ever changing technology and that Ruth Ellen Vaugh would probably be willing to come to a meeting and explain it.
        Jim stated that he is concerned that the voters might not have realized they voted for a four year two bus lease at $45,000 a year.  He also questioned if the bus replacement should be in the operating budget.  Brian replied that DRA recommends big ticket purchase items like the busses being put in the warrants.  The committee discussed that the public needs to be proactively informed.

B. Town Budget Process – Jim asked what the town has done in the past for pay raises.  Gail said that in previous years the Board of Selectmen put forth a flat percentage increase but this year they decided to allow for a 1-3% merit increase instead.  She added that the Selectmen are planning to look at a wage scale this year for the town.  Jim asked if the evaluation process is clearly delineated and Gail replied that the Selectmen are working on this but this year’s evaluations and increases have already been completed.
        Gail informed the committee that COAST is possibly going to have their state funding cut and therefore will most likely be asking the town for more money or they will cut some services.  She added that a $44 taxi service (for a medical appointment, was paid out of the welfare budget and that these types of costs will be incurred by the town if services are cut.
        Mike noted that it appears the town does not put a ton of money in the computer technology fund and asked if the town is up to date on it’s technology.  Jim asked if the town is able to put their files on CD for preservation.  Gail replied that the Selectmen were told by Tony Mincu that the town was in good shape as far as technology went and that she would have to check to see if files are being kept on disk now or not.
        Jim noted that the Police Chief stated he had no storage facilities for their large equipment and that the town’s emergency action plan calls for utility vehicles.  He questioned what kind of storage can be created in the interim of a new public safety building being created.  He also noted that more money should be put away each year for a public safety building.

6. Review of Town Budstats:
The committee reviewed the end of the year expenditure report.  Mike asked how the town comes out with a deficit and Gail replied she would check.  Brian noted that it appears the deficit is due to the school and county taxes that are paid for and not put in the operating budget.  Mike stated he would like an answer as to how this negative number is derived.

Arthur Capello arrived at 9:20pm.

7. Review of School Budstats:
Mike stated that the schools have about $1million to get them through the rest of the year.  Gail added that the contractual items have already been encumbered.  Brian asked why they have not paid anything for snow removal (line 2620-4220-0).  Mike said he would ask.  Arthur commented that maybe the school could present their default budget sheets to the committee so that they could help make suggestions as to where the $200,000 could be cut from.
Brian stated that on page 21 there are line items for ETF that say they are to be adjusted; he would like to know this is for and what does “adjusted” mean for these lines.

Next meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2009 at 7pm.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary