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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 2-12-09
Thursday – February 12, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello, Chris Somma and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Steve Henry and Cindy Snowdon

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Joe Pitre

Public Present: Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Fire Chief Richard Fowler,                               Town Clerk Kathy Seaver, Public Works Director Joel Moulton,                            Sgt. Drury, Penny Morin, Don Marble, Gerry McCarthy, Richard                            Stanley and Paula Proulx.

Chairman Mike Morin opened the public hearing on the town budgets at 7:04pm.

  • Public Hearing Comments:
     A. Don Marble presented a petition warrant article to the committee for their recommendation.  The article is to raise and appropriate the sum of $34,000 for repairs and maintenance to the town clock.  Arthur asked if there is any documentation that the town owns the clock.  Mr. Marble replied that there is no legal document but if you look throughout the town reports you can see that the town has historically taken care of the maintenance and repairs of the clock since the 1800s.  Arthur then asked if the dollar amount is based on bids and Mr. Marble explained that he used the figure in the middle from a few quotes that Tony had in his office.

        Arthur asked Tony if he got any clarity from legal on whether or not town funds could be spent on private property and Tony explained that he got a maybe from legal because it is not a donation to the church.  Gail stated that she is concerned that there is no written ownership of the clock and questioned what would happen if the church was sold.

        B. Sgt. Drury supplied the committee with the quote comparisons they requested for the Chevy Impala and the Ford Crown Victoria.  The total Ford cost is $25,057.56 and the Chevy total cost is $24,719.36.  Arthur informed the committee that they can change the dollar amount of the warrant but not the wording; the wording can only be changed on the floor at the town meeting.  Richard Stanley of Water Street expressed that as a police officer from Newington, he has experience with both vehicles and he much prefers the Ford.  Sgt. Drury added that also as an officer, he would not recommend the Impala because it is smaller all around and it has proven to not last as long.  Arthur asked why the Selectmen put the specific language in the warrant to purchase the Chevy and Gail explained that they had a lot of discussion on it and they agreed the Chevy had a cost savings.  Chris replied that if the Selectmen were to consider all that was presented by the community and the officers they should realize that Chevy is not the obvious choice.

        C. Mike commented that he feels money should be added to the Sexual Assault Services and Juvenile Court Diversion lines.  Arthur concurred.

        D. Jim asked what happens to the money that is left over at the end of the year.  Kathy explained that any funds not encumbered for specific bills go into the fund balance.  The state requires the municipality to keep a fund balance in case of catastrophes.

Joe Pitre motioned to close the public hearing, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.  

Joe Pitre motioned to adjourn, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:56pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary