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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 2-4-09
Wednesday – February 4, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Brian St. Onge, Steve Henry, Cindy Snowdon, Chris Somma (arrived at 8:40pm), Arthur Capello (arrived at 8:37pm) and Jim Horgan.

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis (arrived at 7:27pm)

School Board Rep:       Joe Pitre

Public Present: Parks and Rec. Director Rick Conway, Town Clerk Kathy Seaver, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy and  Marty Gilman

Chairman Mike Morin called the meeting to order at 7:18pm.

1.  Parks & Rec. Budget Proposal (Rick Conway presenting):
A.  Rick explained that he decreased his salary from what the former director made so that his two full-time employees can get a 3% increase.
B.  Rick explained that his telephone line is up $600 because the line has been over expended by so much this year.  However he is looking into several other phone services to get a cheaper rate.

C.  Rick stated that the Rec. Dept. will be down one vehicle starting in March because the van’s inspection sticker will run out and it is will not pass inspection again.  Cindy asked what the van is used for and Rick explained they use it for the senior and teen trips and to transfer the children for the after-school program.  He also stated that there is a warrant to purchase a 15 passenger van.

D. Rick informed the committee that the maintenance contract on the copier is going to be up soon so he is looking into a new copier that he can link all the computes in the Rec. to.

E. Mike asked who pays for the internet access for the computer lab.  Kathy Seaver replied that all municipal internet is part of the franchise negotiation with Metrocast, including the SAU upstairs.  Steve commented that the SAU had internet access in their budget and Kathy said she is not sure what that line is for but they are provided with access through the franchise.

F. Mike asked for an update on the Explore program.  Rick explained that he is creating the brochure for printing but that the organization and running of the program is done through a board of volunteers.

G. Rick explained that line 162 (summer programs) is for scholarships for the summer program for families that meet certain financial requirements.

H. Steve commented that Middleton residents participate in the Rec with a small additional cost that does not go towards any of the three full time salaries.  He would like to see the Town of Middleton pay something towards the operational costs of the Rec.  Cindy asked what percentage of participants are from Middleton.  Rick replied 2 out of 42 in the after-school program.

I. Mike asked what three towns are part of the Explore collaborative and Rick replied Milton, New Durham and Farmington.

J. Mike asked what fund the van is going to be purchased out of and Gail replied the Rec. Equipment fund.

K. Steve asked if Hay Day is self-funding and Rick said they try very hard to make it be except for the fireworks that are included on the hay day line.

L. Mike asked for a copy of the Rec. Revolving Fund expenditure and revenue reports by Friday.  Tony said he could get those for the Board.  

M. Cindy asked when Rick became the parks and rec. director and he replied on 8/28/08.

2.  Town Clerk/Tax Collector Proposed Budget (Kathy Seaver presenting):
A.  Steve asked for Kathy to explain the increase of 10 hours in her department.  Kathy replied that she added 10 hours of a clerk but the additional cost will be paid through the revenue increase in the motor vehicle fees.

B. Mike asked what line 16 (RSA 2008) is for and Kathy explained it is for quarterly updates on the RSAs that comes in the form of a Lexus disk.

C. Mike asked why there was a decrease in the printing of the ballots.  Kathy stated the line is for the printing of a two page ballot for one meeting.

D.  Kathy informed the committee that she applied for a preservation of records grant in order to get assistance with the preservation of all town records that she began several years ago.  She stated that she also applied for a grant to replace the windows and doors in the Municipal building.

E.  Brian asked if the town recovers the bad check charges and Kathy replied yes, they show u on the revenue reports.  The committee requested copies of Kathy’s remittance reports.
3.  Water Budget Proposal:
A. Mike reminded the public and the committee that this budget is supported through an enterprise fund and that the user fees support this budget.

B.  The committee discussed line 230 (additional labor) and how it is used.  Dale stated that he uses police detail only a couple times a year and only when needed.

C.  Joe asked for an explanation of line 232 (health insurance) on what the town contribution is.  Dale explained he knows the employees pay $20, $30, and $40 a week depending on what plan they have and the total monthly cost for each plan in 2008 was $571.36, $1142.00 and $1542.67, respectively.  It was noted that the employees pay approximately 12%.  Cindy asked if the town has changed the percentage recently and Gerry McCarthy said the percentage went up about 2% this past year and that the insurance is available for all town employees who work 35 hours a week or more.

D. Mike asked what the liability line is for and Dale said it pays for accrued sick and vacation time when someone leaves.  Steve commented that he thought there was a warrant to establish a fund to cover these types of costs.  Tony said the warrant is for personnel separation for retirement.
E. Mike asked for the dates of the water notes.  Dale said the two water notes were taken out in 1982 and 1983 and they will be paid off in 2010.  Mike asked what the notes were used for and Dale said they paid for a new storage tank, water lines and fire hydrants.  Gail commented that the Selectmen have put forward a warrant to create a capital reserve fund to fund a large water line project for approximately 2013-2015.

F. Joe asked when the town changed from a precinct and Dale responded in 1978.

G. Mike asked what line 261 (pump repair) is for and Dale said he is going to put a metal roof on pump station 4 and 5.

H.  Mike asked what vehicles the water department has and Dale explained he has a 2006 F-250, an old PD cruiser, a 2004 backhoe and a 1-Ton.  

I.  Mike asked if $3 a gallon for diesel is going to be enough and Dale replied that he hopes so and that the tanks were just filled.

J.  Brian asked what line 275 (main line renewal) is for.  Dale explained that he is trying to do something to help the distribution system within his budget and that this line is earmarked to make a loop on Union St. between Church and Spring Streets.

4. Wastewater Budget Proposal (Dale Sprague presenting):
A. The Board had a lengthy discussion on the proposed wastewater facility with Dale.  It was noted that the plant costs is proposed to be split 50/50 between the taxpayers and the users.  Also, the plant should last 35-40 years and will be able to handle 500,000 gallons a day.  The projected cost of the plant is $12.6 million with an estimation of at least 60% from grants.  Cindy asked how much money has been set aside for this project since it was known that it was needed in 2002.  Dale replied virtually nothing because historically the town has not considered depreciation of town property in the budget, though they are going to start.

B. Dale said that the last sewer and water rate increases were in October of 2008 but prior to that the last sewer increase was in 4/04 and the last water increase was in 3/01.

C. Mike asked if the employees pay for disability and life and Dale replied no, that the town covers 100% of these costs.

D. Mike asked what ICMA is and Dale explained it is retirement.

E. Brian asked why the vehicle insurance is only up in this budget and not the water as well.  Dale said that he adjusted the line slightly because the town negotiates the rate each year.

F. Mike asked if Dale has an overtime hourly increase and Dale said no, he will just have hourly rate increases and the overtime line increase reflects the hourly rate increases.

G. Steve asked why the workman’s compensation line is up and Dale explained that the town workman’s comp. rates are based on history of claims.

H. Gail informed the committee that there is a warrant to create a water infrastructure replacement capital reserve fund and place $35,000 in it, which the Board of Selectmen will be the agents to expend.  This fund is being established to fund the replacement of the Main Street line from Central Street to the golf course in approximately 2013.

I. Gail asked if there are any mandates that set the flow required for fire hydrants and Dale said no.

Brian St. Onge motioned to adjourn, 2nd Steve Henry.  Motion passed.

Chairman Morin adjourned the meeting at 10:19pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary