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Budget Committee Meeting Munutes 12-18-8
Thursday - December 18, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Arthur Capello, Steve Henry, Chris Somma and Cindy Snowdon

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Joe Pitre

Public Present: Superintendent Michelle Langa, Scott Moors, Carolyn Rioux                               (Municipal Resources Inc., interim finance administrator for the                                school department, Joel Chagnon and Butch Lewis

Chairman Mike Morin called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

1.  Explanation of School Tuition Rates:
A.  Ms. Langa introduced Carolyn Rioux who is the schools’ consultant from Municipal Resources, Inc.  Ms.Rioux explained that Middleton pays their tuition based on the projection of the school costs that is broken down per pupil and pro-rated by school (Pre-K – 8 and 9-12).  She explained that they deduct transportation, capital outlay and debt service when creating the tuition rate.  Also the district costs are distributed by calculating those figures and dividing it by the average daily membership (ADM) (which is the average number of students enrolled in the schools each quarter, not actual ½ day attendance.)  Ms. Rioux calculated Middleton’s tuition rate at $10,035 for elementary students and $10,977 for high school students.  

Brian asked if the ADM stays stable throughout the school year and Ms. Rioux said no, it can change but the tuition rate stays the same.  

B.  Mike asked for a list of all grants and their dollar amounts so can compare the estimated revenues.  Ms. Rioux explained that the federal revenue for grants always has to equal the grant appropriations.  Ms. Langa said she would forward the federal reporting sheets that break down how the schools are expecting to expend the grants.

C.  Ms.Rioux stated that right now the school is looking at a $1.91 increase in the tax rate based on a $485,246,505 assessed valuation number.

2.  Farmington Learning Academy Proposed Budget (Principal, Joel Chagnon presenting):
A.  Joel Chagnon explained that line 10-1290-6100 (supplies) should read $2000 and it will be used for specific reading novels, school supplies, books on tape and science lab equipment.
B.  Joel explained that the students enrolled at the Learning Academy primarily use the Virtual Learning Academy for their classes.  The students receive high school credits and it is free to all NH students.  Gail asked if this is the same Virtual High School program that Mike Lee wants to offer at the high school.  Ms. Langa replied that she is unsure but she would check into it.
C. Gail asked how many students are enrolled in the Academy and Mr. Chagnon said 10 students though they have 12 slots available.  Mr. Chagnon also stated that he has a full-time certified paraprofessional who is his assistant.
D.  Mike asked why nothing was budgeted in line 10-1290-5019 (fieldtrips).  Mr. Chagnon replied that he believes this is a typo and the line should be $1000 because he cut the line from $2000, noting that he is planning on attending more team building type fieldtrips.
E.  Joe pointed out that the cost per student at the Learning Academy is virtually the same as a “regular” high school student and it is saving the students from being sent out of district.
3.  Henry Wilson School 7-8 Budget Proposal (Mr. Butch Lewis, Principal, presenting):
A.  Mr. Lewis stated that in the regular education section he cut almost all the supply lines except for the tech. ed. Supplies because the teacher has changed the class to be more technology based than wood shop based.
B.  Brian questioned why line 10-1100-7310 (new equip.) is up by $300.  Mr. Lewis said that line is for a projector, dry erase boards and a few easels on wheels.
C.  Mike asked what is going to be purchased with line 10-1100-6400 (textbooks).  Mr. Lewis said he will be purchasing new reading books and paperback books (ppb) but no science books as the note on the budget suggests.
D.  Mr. Lewis explained that he doubled the Special Olympics line so that the students can attend the spring/summer Olympics as well as the winter ones.
E.  Mike asked what co-curricular is and Mr. Lewis explained it is clubs and athletics.
F.  Mike asked what the 1491 line is for and Mr. Lewis replied the reading specialist.
G.  Mike asked for the population of the school.  Mr. Lewis replied he has 225 students with 5 academic teachers per grade, 1 case manager per grade, 6 unified arts teachers and 9 paraprofessionals.
H.  Brian asked why there is a $1000 increase in postage and Mr. Lewis explained that the school will be mailing report cards home for now on.
I.  Mike stated that the 2009-2010 budget request for HWMS 7-8 is $1,524,812.72 which is a 3.6% increase due mostly to the collective bargaining agreement.     

4.  Facilities Budget Proposal (Mr. Moores, facilities manager presenting):
A.  Brian asked why the town does not do the snow removal for the schools.  Scott Moores replied that they do not take care of the snow removal due to a lack of manpower and equipment, but he does have a contractor that comes in and does a superb job and has for the past several years.  Mr. Moores explained this line is up $1000 because there has been so much snow over the past several years.
B.  Mr. Moores stated that he had to increase the water/sewage lines because he is now being charged for check valve maintenance.  Gail added that the town water/sewer costs have also increased.
C.  Mike asked what is considered routine maintenance and Mr. Moores explained it is painting, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, etc.
D.  Mr. Moores explained that all four buildings have been changed over to the digital alarm system.
E.  A discussion was held on the boiler systems and the potential for utilizing a glycol system or installing a transfer switch with a generator to prevent frozen and/or broken pipes in power outages.  Mr. Moores will research the options for a potential warrant article.
F.  Brian asked why line 10-2620-4392 (equip repair) is so much higher than in 2007-2008.  Mr. Moores stated the line is for vacuum repairs, blower repairs and pump motor repairs.
G.  Mike asked what comes out of line 10-2620-4900 (ball field maint.) and Mr. Moores replied stone dust, loam, and paint for the dugouts.
H.  Mike asked what line 10-2620-4901 (Haz mat) is for and Mr. Moores replied it is to dispose of lab chemicals and for haz mat inspections.
I.  Brian asked what the boiler insurance is for and Mr. Moores explained it is to replace/repair the boilers if one is to fail.
J.  Mr. Moores explained line 10-2620-5310 (phones) is for the entire district.  Line 10-2620-5800 (custodian travel) is to reimburse for travel back and forth to the municipal building and to get supplies when needed.  Line 10-2620-6110 (supplies/air filters) went down due to a new supplier and their large decrease in cost.  Line 10-2620-6115 (linen supplies) is for mops.  Line 10-2620-6220 (electricity) was lowered because even though he knows PSNH has an increase coming, when he looked at the historical electric figures/usage he fund the line did not need to be that high.  Mr. Moores added that line 10-2620-6230 is for propane for the heating system and the labs.
K.  Mike asked why there is a large increase in line 10-2620-6240 (heating oil) for HWMS and the high school.  Mr. Moores explained that he researched the historical oil consumption for each school and these are true numbers for each building.  The rate was set at $3.39 per gallon.
L.  Line 10-2620-7310 is for a floor buffer for VVCS.
M.  Gail asked what building line 10-2620-6240-0 (heating district buildings) is for and Mr. Moores explained it is for the Learning Academy.
N.  Mike stated that the Facilities budget request for 2009-2010 is $1,510,651.58 which is a 1.2% increase.  Ms. Langa added that the custodians have negotiated a Collective Bargaining Agreement so this will go forward as a warrant (the budget shows no increase as a result).

5.  Other:
A.  Ms. Langa provided a printout of the teacher salaries with stipends.  She explained that any stipend for $438 is a special education teacher stipend and $2000 stipends are for high school teachers who teach a 6th class and are advisors for co-curricular activities.
B.  Ms. Langa also provided sheets to show the difference in the salaries with a 3.0% COLA versus a 5.8%.  The total savings with the 3.0% was $31,493.17.
C.  Ann Titus motioned to table the approval of minutes until the next meeting, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Joe Pitre abstaining.

Joe Pitre motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion passed.

Chairman Morin adjourned the meeting at 9:28pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Mike Morin, Chairman