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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 12-3-08
Wednesday – December 3, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello, Cindy Snowdon, Chris Somma and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Steve Henry  

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Joe Pitre

Public Present: Mike Lee, Rich Cilley, Michelle Langa, Ruth-Ellen Vaughn, Sue                           Pleau and Kathy Tetreault.

Chairman Mike Morin opened the meeting at 7:00pm and explained the purpose of tonight’s meeting was to review the proposed school budgets.

  • Budget Summary by Ms. Langa:
Michelle Langa presented the committee with a total budget summary explaining that the collective bargaining agreements are in both the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 budgets.  She also explained that the COLA used this year is 5.8%.  Brian asked where the COLA figure came from and Ms. Langa explained it is the Social Security COLA.  Ms. Langa also informed the committee that there are substantial changes in the curriculum, technology and transportation budgets.  The curriculum budget no longer as the curriculum coordinator position in it because it is now the duties of the assistant superintendent under the SAU budget.  The technology budget has increased because they have decided to put all the technology items out of the individual school budgets and place them all here.  Lastly, the transportation budget has increased because all transportation costs are also in one budget now.  Ms. Langa reported that the total school budget is an increase of 5.21% with the food service budget being a decrease of .54%.  Arthur asked if this number includes the SAU and Ms. Langa said it includes $650,000 in a line for the SAU.

  • Review Proposed High School Budget (Principal Mike Lee presenting):
A.  Mike Morin asked if Mr. Lee foresees any state mandated curriculum changes in the near future and Mr. Lee said no but he had to add some this year that are still being implemented.
B.  Arthur asked why line 10-1100-5610 (school tuition) is down $8000.  Mr. Lee explained that he did have students attending Dover for vocational classes and because they were missing so much academic time in the traveling, Farmington paid Dover tuition for those students extra classes.  He further explained that the line could be cut because students are no longer allowed to take courses at Dover High School.
C.  Gail asked why line 10-2220-1120-3 (librarian) for salary is 8.3%.  Ms. Langa explained that with the new step increases the steps do not have an equal differential between the steps.
D.  Gail requested an employee vs. salary summary sheet for the next meeting.
E.  Arthur asked what line 10-2400-73701-3 (replacement equipment) is for.  Mr. Lee explained that it is to purchase two computers for the secretary’s and it was pointed out that these items should be in the technology fund.
F.  Brian questioned what line 10-1200-5800-3 (travel) is for and Mr. Lee explained that a one-on-one aide picks up and drops off his student at the student’s place of employment and this line is to reimburse for the mileage.
G.  Brian asked for an explanation of what the virtual high school is.  Mr. Lee explained that it is an online program that offers 200 extended learning courses in which students will have access to.  This line is for a full year membership to the program that can accommodate up to 50 students.  Plus the line includes teacher training for the program.

  • Review Proposed Special Education Budget (Sue Pleau presenting):
Sue Pleau explained that line 10-1200-5640-0 was broken down this year into three lines as the DRA consultant suggested.  She stated that the total budget is $951,365.51.  Arthur asked what line 10-2150-3300 (contracted services) is for and Ms. Pleau explained that the town lost three speech and language pathologists so they have been forced to contract.  Though they have budgeted a salary line (10-2150-1121-0) in case they fill the position.

Gail asked how the school is doing on Medicaid reimbursements.  Ms. Pleau replied that the school has collected about $120,000 thus far this year.

  • Review of Proposed Curriculum Budget (Ruth Ellen Vaughn presenting):
The committee reviewed the proposed budget and had no questions.  Ms. Vaughn explained that she has worked very hard of the past several years to line up the curriculum for each grade level so that teachers of the same grade are all teaching the same content areas and so that all state standards are met.  An example was in the new math curriculum that is being taught throughout the district.  The skills taught at each grade level are built upon the next year through similar programs so that the students have consistency.

  • Review of the Minutes:
Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 11-19-08 as amended to reflect a number change, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Mike Morin abstaining.

  • Other:
The committee discussed that next week’s three budget workshops should all be posted for 7pm.

  • Review Question Log:
A.   Brian asked why the town hall telephone line is overspent and Gail explained that the bill is coming in higher with Fairpoint and that they are investigating better solutions.
B.  Arthur asked why the upstairs of the fire station is being used by the scouts every week if no one is suppose to be using it.  Gail said that the Selectmen approved this use because it is only a small group of boy scouts.
C.  Arthur asked if Joel Moulton has a plan on how to deal with the overtime in the DPW in the upcoming month.  Gail explained that Joel has said he is still confident his budget will hold.  
D.  Arthur questioned how the Town spent $1200 in Civil Defense (line 01-4290-10-690)?  Gail replied this money is paid to Deb Lee who was acting Emergency Operations Manager.
E.  Arthur asked if the Town got money in line 01-4312-10-630 (rebuild/repave/repair roads) because it still has 99% left and the year is almost over.  Gail explained that Joel used the FEMA funds up first and that he plans to encumber these funds so he can finish some of the projects planned.
The next meeting is 12-9-08 at 7pm.

Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:31pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Mike Morin, Chairman