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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 11-19-08
Wednesday – November 19, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Ann Titus, Brian St. Onge, Arthur Capello, Cindy Snowdon and Jim Horgan.

Members Excused:        Steve Henry and Mike Morin

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Joe Pitre

Public Present: Chris Somma

Vice-Chairman Brian St.Onge opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

  • Interview with Potential Committee Member:
After a brief interview, Arthur Capello motioned to appoint Chris Somma to the open budget committee seat until the March elections when he would have to be voted in by the voters, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Review Minutes:
Arthur Capello moved to accept the minutes of 10-22-08 as amended for a few spelling corrections, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Review Bud Stats and Revenue Reports:
A.  Joe explained that the school did not provide budstats this month because they do not have a finance administrator at the moment.  Arthur commented that he does not want to hear any excuses as to why the budgets are not ready by 12/3/08 and further requested the proposed budgets prior to the 12/3 meeting so that the committee members have time to review them.

B.  The Committee reviewed the town bud stats.  
        1.  Brian asked why the town hall telephone line is overspent and Gail replied that she would look into it.  
        2.  Arthur asked why the upstairs of the fire station is being used by the scouts every week if no one is suppose to be using it.  Gail said she would look into this as well.  
        3.  Arthur asked if the Town locked in for oil and Gail said yes.  
        4.  Arthur asked if the Town had established a budget freeze and Gail explained that the Selectmen have a budget freeze and hiring freeze with the exception of one police officer.  
        5.  Arthur asked if the Joel Moulton has a plan on how to deal with the overtime in the DPW with the upcoming months.  Gail explained that Joel has said that he is confident is budget will hold.  
        6.  Arthur questioned how the Town spent $1200 in Civil Defense (line 01-4290-10-690)?  Gail replied she would look into it.
        7.  Arthur asked if the Town got money in the went into line 01-4312-10-630 (rebuild/repave/repair roads) because it still has 99% left and the year is almost over.  
        8.  Brian asked if there is new staff at the landfill and Gail explained that to cover vacation Joel was using Labor Ready workers to cover the shifts.
        9.  Arthur asked if the Town is planning for next year by cutting any memberships and dues.  Gail explained that the Selectmen are looking at everything and are currently considering cutting their Strafford Regional Planning Commission membership.
        10.  Cindy asked if the school has to pay MRI for the interim finance administrator and Joe said yes that they would have to find the money to do so within the budget.  Joe also said that if the committee members were to look closely at the MS-24 they would notice that about $1 million is coming back to the town and if the MS-24 is accepted by the DRA then the Town should see about a $2 credit to the tax rate.
        11.  Joe asked if the Selectmen are considering buying down the taxes again this year and Gail said no, they are getting a TAN note for 90 days.  

  • School Information:
A.  Brian informed the Board that the deliberative session is scheduled for January 31, 2009 at 1pm at the High School.

B.  Arthur Capello motioned to hold the public hearing for the school budget and warrants on January 14th and 19th, 2nd Ann Titus.  Roll call = Ann Titus (yes), Cindy Snowdon (yes), Brian St.Onge (yes), Arthur Capello (yes), Jim Horgan (no), Joe Pitre (no), and Gail Ellis (no).

  • Review Town Question Responses:
A.  Gail reported that the computer that was bought for the Rec. department was a laptop so that they director could work off-site.

B.  Gail explained that she is still searching to find out if the DPW pays for police detail or not and a list of the police officer duties.

C.  Gail explained that she did ask Pam why the MS-5 and MS-7 differ and she said that they are both estimates but that they are done at different times of the year when different information is available.

The next meeting is 12-3-08 at 7pm.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion passed with Arthur Capello opposed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

November Question Log

1. Brian asked why the town hall telephone line is overspent and Gail replied that she would look into it.

2.  Arthur then asked why the upstairs of the fire station is being used by the scouts every week if no one is suppose to be using it.

3.  Arthur questioned how the Town spent $1200 in Civil Defense (line 01-4290-10-690)?

4.  Arthur asked if the Town got money in the went into line 01-4312-10-630 (rebuild/repave/repair roads) because it still has 99% left and the year is almost over.