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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 2-18-08
Tuesday - February 18, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Joe Pitre, Ann Titus, Gail Ellis, Brian St. Onge, Deb Cantwell, Mike Morin, and Arthur Capello.

Members Absent: Steve Henry (excused)
Selectmen's Rep:        Paula Proulx
School Board Rep:       Steve Durrance
Public Present: Gerry McCarthy, Marty Gilman, Tony Mincu, Joan Funk, Scott Roberge.

Chairman Joe Pitre called the meeting to order at 7:01pm and led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Joe opened the public hearing on the Town Budget.

A.  Review and Acceptance of MS-7:
1.  Tony Mincu informed the committee that DRA asked him to move the warrant article for the personnel separation from individual to special.

2.  Mike inquired why on page 7 of the MS-7 is there no money listed on line 3180 (resident taxes).  Tony said this line does not represent property taxes and that property taxes are broken up between the town, school and state.  Joe said that this line could be the old "head and poll tax."  Mike commented that the column does not add up to the total of three million.

3.  The budget committee signed the MS-7.

Arthur Capello motioned for a ten-minute recess so the committee has time to review the minutes, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried at 7:20 pm.

Chairman Pitre reconvened the meeting at 7:30 pm.

B.  Review of Minutes:
1.  Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 11/28/07 as amended to note wording changes to 3 (c)(f) and 4(b) and to attach the letter of resignation from Bill Tsirois.  Motion carried with Mike Morin abstaining.

2.  Ann Titus motioned to accept the minutes of 12/4/07 as amended to note the members absent and a few grammatical changes, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Debra Cantwell and Mike Morin abstaining.

3.  Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 12/5/07 as amended to note wording changes to A (3) and B (3), 2nd Debra Cantwell.  Motion carried with Debra Cantwell abstaining.

4.  Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 12/11/07 as amended to note wording changes to A (6) and C (3).  Motion carried with all in favor.

5.  Gail Ellis motioned to accept the minutes of 12/12/07 as amended to note wording changes for clarification to A (3)(6)(8), B(7), C(4), and D(1) (4), 2nd Mike Morin.  Motion carried with all in favor.

6.  Paula Proulx motioned to table the minutes of 1/2/08, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7.  Debra Cantwell motioned to accept the minutes of 1/9/08, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Motion withdrawn.

Gail Ellis motioned to table the minutes of 1/9/08, 2nd Mike Morin.  Motion carried with all in favor.

8.  Debra Cantwell motioned to accept the minutes of 1/10/08 as amended to reflect wording changes to 1(a) (f) and 4 (d), 2nd Mike Morin.  Motion carried with Arthur Capello abstaining.

9.  Debra Cantwell motioned to accept the minutes of 1/16/08 as amended to reflect changes to 3(a), 5(c), and 7(e), 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Mike Morin and Gail Ellis abstaining.

10.  Ann Titus motioned to accept the minutes of 1/17/08 as amended to reflect changes to the members present, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried with Mike Morin and Debra Cantwell abstaining.

The next meeting will be on 2/27/08 at 7pm.

Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Chairman Pitre adjourned the meeting at 9:18 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Ann Titus, Secretary