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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 2-8-08
Friday - February 8, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Joe Pitre, Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Gail Ellis, Brian St. Onge, Steve Henry, Deb Cantwell and Arthur Capello.

Selectmen's Rep:        Paula Proulx

School Board Rep:       Steve Durrance (excused)

Public Present: Fire Chief Richard Fowler, Public Works Director Joel Moulton, Lt. Kevin Willey, Parks & Rec Director Don Gagnon, Wastewater/Water Superintendent Dale Sprague, Marty Gilman, Gerry McCarthy, Joan Funk and Town Administrator Tony Mincu.

Chairman Pitre called the meeting to order at 7:28pm noting the meeting got a late start because copies had to be made.

Review MS-7:
1.  Mike Morin questioned why line 4155-4159 (personnel administration) has a $30,000 difference between the Selectman appropriation and the budget committee's recommendation.  Tony replied it is a typo and they are both $898,834.

Review Fire Department Budget:
1.  Arthur Capello motioned to take the cost associated with the hiring of a full-time firefigher/EMT out of the operating budget and place it on the warrants for the voters to decide, 2nd Steve Henry.  Discussion followed in which Arthur stated that he would also like to see the town complete a study to see if they have grown enough to warrant a full-time firefighter team.  Rich reviewed why the department needs this additional staff and stated that he does not believe it should be a warrant because it has been discussed at several meetings, all of which residents had the opportunity to come forward and voice their opinion at.  He also stated that he feels this position is no longer a choice but a necessity to provide quality care to the residents.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (no), Arthur Capello (no), Brian St. Onge (no), Deb Cantwell (no), Joe Pitre (no), Paula Proulx (no), Gail Ellis (no), Steve Henry (no), and Mike Morin (no).  Motion failed.

2.  Arthur asked if Rich has any warrants.  Rich replied he has one to put $30,000 in the Emergency Medical Motorized Equipment.  Mike noted the wording needs to be corrected for the dollar amount and Tony said he would make those changes.  Steve H. asked how much an ambulance costs and Rich replied about $120,000 and he will be looking to replace the 1996 in the next few years.  Rich added that the ambulance does generate about $125,000 a year in revenue and this pretty much pays for the on-call staff.

Public Works Budget:
1.  Arthur asked if Joel knows how much of his overtime budget he has expended thus far this year and Joel replied about $8,000.  Steve H. asked how Joel plans to absorb the overtime in the budget and Joel replied that he will have to cut summer projects.  Steve H. asked if he is still comfortable with the overtime line and Joel replied yes but not with his salt line.  Joel stated that he would say the salt line should now be about $30,000 based on what the weather has been thus far.   Arthur Capello motioned to increase the highway salt line (line 89) by $15,000, 2nd Steve Henry.  Discussion followed in which Gail asked for the Selectmen's opinion on increasing this line.  Marty replied it is up to the budget committee.  Brian asked how much salt has been used thus far and Joel replied $15,000 in January.  Mike said the committee could always wait until the town meeting and increase the line then if it is still needed.  Arthur commented that he thinks it is easier to decrease a line on the floor then to increase, so he feels the committee should increase it now and then if it is not needed take it down at town meeting. Roll Call - Ann Titus (no), Arthur Capello (yes), Brian St. Onge (no), Deb Cantwell (no), Joe Pitre (no), Paula Proulx (no), Gail Ellis (no), Steve Henry (yes), and Mike Morin (no).  Motion failed.
2.  Mike asked if Joel has a stock pile of materials like rip-wrap or silt fence and Joel replied no.

3.  Mike questioned line 85 (highway new equipment) as to why it is up and Joel replied that he and Dale are sharing the cost of a GPS unit and then some miscellaneous tools.

4.  Joel said that he has a warrant for $92,000 to purchase a F550 truck with a sander and plow.  Mike replied that he is concerned the town will be purchasing a truck that they plan to overburden with weight and asked why Joel did not propose a 6-wheeler.  Joel replied that many similiar towns have this truck and it works well for them and this smaller truck will allow him to plow the narrower roads in town more effectively and efficiently, plus the cost of a 6-wheeler is about $150,000.

Review Landfill Budget:
1.  Arthur questioned why Joel did not budget for tvs and monitors and Joel replied that he encumbered this line because the company did not bill him last year.

2.  Joel commented that this budget is down 9% because he has some encumbrances and the septic lagoons are now closed.

3.  Mike questioned if money has been set aside for a transfer station and Joel replied a conceptual plan is currently being engineered and will be forth coming.

4.  Arthur asked if Joel realizes any revenue from the recycling and Joel replied yes, about $30,000 this year that goes towards the landfill closure fund along with the garbage bag label money.

Water/Wastewater Budget Review:
1.  Dale reviewed the town water system with the committee.

Parks & Recreation Budget Review:
1.  Steve H. questioned if the $1,000 is going to be enough for vehicle maintenance and Don replied he already used $500 this year, but he does have $3000 going in as a warrant for the future purchase of a new vehicle.  Steve Henry motioned to change the vehicle maintenance line form $1,000 to $1,300, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (no), Arthur Capello (yes), Brian St. Onge (yes), Deb Cantwell (yes), Joe Pitre (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (no), Steve Henry (yes), and Mike Morin (yes).  Motion carried.

2.  Gail questioned why department wages are up and Don Gagnon replied that there was a huge change in personnel and now all the positions are filled.

Police Department Budget Review:
1. Lt. Kevin Willey explained that the police department has a warrant for a new cruiser, in which they will be retaining the old cruiser to use for administrative purposes, court travel and trainings.  Arthur questioned if there is a 100,000 mile warranty available and what it covers and costs.  Kevin replied there is and the cost is approximately $2400.  Arthur asked him to get clarity on this subject for the next meeting.

2.  Steve H. asked if the School Resource Officer uses a cruiser and Kevin replied no.

Remaining Budget Review:
1.  Gail questioned the capital outlay line 192 (personnel separation) as to what it is for.  Paula replied that it is to establish a fund to cover the costs for if and when someone who has worked for the town for a long time leaves.  Paula added this will be a reoccuring warrant.  Tony added that it will probably be $5-$10,000 next year.

2.  Ann Titus motioned to put Coast Bus back in the operating budget, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Discussion followed in which Steve H. stated it is a large dollar amount that goes to a private entity that the town has no control over and he believes it should stay as a warrant.  Paula reminded the committee that Coast actually came in with their own cut this year so they are being fiscally responsible.  Joan Funk added that grants the town applies for depend on the town having public transportation, noting that a lot of people depend on the bus and use it to get to work and appointments.  Brian asked if Coast would cut the service if the town did not fund it and Joan replied yes.  Gerry McCarthy commented that part of living in a community is helping others and Marty added that Coast gave the town one bus shelter valued at $12,000 and will be sending another one.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (yes), Arthur Capello (no), Brian St. Onge (yes), Deb Cantwell (yes), Joe Pitre (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Steve Henry (yes), and Mike Morin (yes).  Motion carried.

3.  The committee discussed that the Preservation Guild will stay as a warrant.  Arthur Capello motioned to reduce the preservation guild line to 0 in the operating budget and present as a warrant at $19,600, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (yes), Arthur Capello (yes), Brian St. Onge (yes), Deb Cantwell (yes), Joe Pitre (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Steve Henry (yes), and Mike Morin (yes).  Motion carried.

4.  Arthur Capello motioned to change the town personnel salary increase to 3% to the same as the school, 2nd Mike Morin.  Discussion followed in which Marty Gilman stated it is not a good comparison because the town does not have a step process as of yet, noting that some employees deserve a true raise instead of a cost of living raise but the Selectman chose to wait on any merit raises until they can address it fairly across the board for the all town employees.  Gerry added that there are a lot of inequities in town as far as salary goes and it is not fair to compare with schools because not consistent or comparable with the benefits, step plans, etc.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (no), Arthur Capello (yes), Brian St. Onge (no), Deb Cantwell (no), Joe Pitre (no), Paula Proulx (no), Gail Ellis (no), Steve Henry (no), and Mike Morin (yes).  Motion failed.

Review of Minutes:
1.  Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 1-23-08 as amended to add on #10 that Arthur asked Michelle Langa if she and the school board would be comfortable utilizing the 2.9millioon on the MS-27 and she said yes, 2nd Steve Henry.  Roll Call - Ann Titus (yes), Arthur Capello (yes), Brian St. Onge (yes), Deb Cantwell (yes), Joe Pitre (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (abstain), Steve Henry (yes), and Mike Morin (abstain).  Motion carried.

Mike Morin motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Chairman Pitre adjourned the meeting at 11:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Secretary, Ann Titus