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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 12-5-07
Wednesday - December 5, 2007
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Joe Pitre, Ann Titus, Gail Ellis, Brian St. Onge, Steve Henry, Debra Cantwell (arrived at 7:56 pm), Mike Morin and Arthur Capello.     

Selectmen's Rep:        Paula Proulx

School Board Rep:       Steve Durrance

Public Present:         Superintendent Michelle Langa, Dan Migillicuddy (finance administrator                  for the school district), Rich Cilley (school board member), Joel                       Chagnon (Principal of HWMS 4-6) and Cynthia Sparks (Principal of                        VVCS).

Chairman Pitre called the meeting to order at 7:04pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A.  Presentation of Valley View Community School (VVCS) Budget Proposal:  The principal of the school, Cynthia Sparks presented the proposed budget for the 2008-2009 school year.
1.  Joe Pitre asked how many students are enrolled in the school.  Cynthia responded 456.

2.  Mike Morin questioned what the capacity of the school is.  Cynthia responded about 579.  Mike asked if there are any plans for full day kindergarten.  Cynthia stated that it has been discussed but not a reality for the near future because it would require an additional three classrooms.

3.  Arthur Capello questioned the number of staff she has and how many left at the end of the school year.  Cynthia responded she has 20 classroom teachers with 21 paraprofessionals.  She also stated that she had one guidance counselor, one classroom teacher and a music teacher leave last year due to higher salary offers.

4. Steve Henry questioned how the rest of line 10-1491-1120 in the special educ. salary line is funded.  Cynthia responded that one position is 1/3 funded by a grant and the other two positions are 2/3 funded by the grant, she also explained that the state is pulling this funding slowly so the school will eventually be responsible for all three full salaries.

5.  It was asked why there is such a big difference between the retirements for the three schools.  Michelle Langa responded that at VVCS they had to add the benefits for the Title 1 secretary that used to be grant funded.

6.  Gail Ellis questioned why line 10-1100-1120 shows a decrease.  Cynthia stated that the reading specialist was pulled out of this line and put into line 10-1491-1120.

7.  Joe asked who is responsible to pay for the paraprofessional certifications.  Cynthia responded that the paraprofessionals pay for the certification though they do not need it to be hired just to move up on the pay scale.

8.  Arthur commented that he saw the BEAM program was listed back under 10-1200-1119.  Cynthia explained that it was put in as a contingency in case they need it for summer school.

9.  Arthur questioned if the school is looking for any new positions.  Cynthia stated that she was previously in need of one paraprofessional but that the position has been filled, so no.

10.  Gail questioned why the consumable line is up.  Cynthia responded that the overall prices are up but the line also includes handwriting without tears program.

11.  Gail questioned what line 10-1100-7310 is for.  Cynthia explained it is for an opaque projector for the art room and 6 music stands.  Gail also questioned line 10-1100-7315.  Cynthia explained that each school was asked to put in $5000 to update their technology and this line would include updates for Kindergarten and first grade and computer lab upgrades.

12.  Gail questioned why there is a 4.1% increase in line 10-1200-1114.  Michelle Langa explained this increase is due to a new hire with more experience.  Gail also asked what will happen if the new teacher and paraprofessional contracts do no pass at the town meeting.  Michelle explained that the staff would have no contracts or raises because the current contract does not have an evergreen clause to continue it.

13.  Joe questioned when the current contract expires and Michelle responded it will expire at the end of the school year.

14.  Steve Henry questioned why line 10-2210-3200 has such an increase.  Cynthia explained that last years budget was calculated incorrectly by herself and that this year's proposal is more in line with what was typically budgeted and expended.

15.  Brian asked what type of equipment is included in 10-2130-7310.  Cynthia explained that the nurse can no longer use the glass/mercury thermometer and this line will replace it with a Suretemp plus thermometer.

16.  Paula questioned if the school has its own nurse and Cynthia responded yes.

17.  Mike questioned the increase on line 10-2210-3200 and Cynthia responded again that it was increased to make the number more realistic.

18.  Gail questioned if there is anything in the teacher contracts that says they have to stay for a certain period of time if the district pays for their courses.  Cynthia responded no and that the school only pays for 1 and 1/2 courses per year.  

19.  Mike questioned why the librarian salary is increased and Cynthia responded that this is due to a new hire with more experience and that the previous librarian left for a higher salary.

20.  Paula questioned if there is a line for sick day reimbursement.  Michelle Langa said that the line is $6,326 but that she will forward that sheet to the committee.  It was also noted that the grand total for the budget did not match, so those numbers will be corrected and forwarded also.  Michelle Langa stated that the grand total should be $2,536,011.03.

21.  Mike questioned why the library insurance buyback line shows an increase when the salary line is the same.  Dan Migillicuddy responded that the person just chose for a different insurance option.

22.  Gail questioned how many students are in special education and Cynthia responded about 65 at VVCS all day.

23.  Gail questioned why line 10-2700-5800 has $1000 budgeted when only $199.85 was expended last year.  Cynthia explained that the low expenditure was due to budget freezes and that the $1000 is to assist with field trips.

B.  Presentation of Henry Wilson Memorial School (HWMS) 4-6 Budget Presentation:  The Principal of the school, Joel Chagnon, presented the proposed budget for the 2008-2009 school year.

1.  Joel Chagnon stated that he currently has 345 students with 6 classrooms for the 133 fourth graders, 4 classrooms for the 107 fifth graders and 4 classrooms for the 105 sixth graders and that he has a capacity for about 480 students.

2.  Arthur questioned if any teachers/staff left last year and if Joel is requesting a new positions.  Joel responded that he had no classroom teachers’ leave, just one paraprofessional was asked to leave and that he is requesting one 5th grade teacher.  This additional teacher would keep the class sizes down in the transitional fourth grade year and have five fifth grade classrooms.

3.  Arthur questioned why Joel is budgeting in Nature's Classroom.  Joel responded that the coordinator asked him to put the line in because their fundraising efforts have been cut due to the fact that they can not sell candy bars or have bake sales anymore, due to the Health and Wellness Program.

4.  Brian questioned the nurses' salary line, 10-2130-1120.  After a brief discussion it was discovered that there is an error and Dan Migillicuddy will look into this.  Brian stated that there seems to be a similar issue with line 10-2220-1140 and Michelle agreed to look into this as well.

5.  Gail questioned how many days a year the nurse works and Michelle explained that the nurse works 180 days and the teachers 189.

6.  Steve Henry questioned why the special ed. aides line is decreased by $52,000.  Joel explained that one aide was removed and that three aides were sent to the 7-8 grade side.

7.  Mike asked what textbooks are being ordered and Joel explained that the line is for a set of 4th grade social studies books, a 4th grade spelling program, and most of the money being expended on the Everyday Math consumables.

8.  Joe asked if the contractual lines can be identified in some way for this committee and Dan said he could do that.

Steve Durrance motioned to adjourn, 2nd Brian St. Onge.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Chairman Pitre adjourned the meeting at 8:53 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Secretary, Ann Titus