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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 11-28-07
Wednesday - November 28, 2007
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Joe Pitre, Ann Titus, Gail Ellis, Brian St. Onge, Steve Henry, Debra Cantwell and Arthur Capello.

Members Absent: Mike Morin and Bill Tsiros

Selectmen's Rep:        Paula Proulx

School Board Rep:       Steve Durrance

Chairman Pitre called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Review of Minutes:  
Gail Ellis moved to approve the minutes of 6/26/07, Arthur Capello seconded.  Motion passed with Deb Cantwell and Steve Henry abstaining because they were absent.

Arthur Capello moved to accept the minutes of 10/24/07 as amended for a spelling correction, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion passed with Deb Cantwell abstaining because she was absent.

1.  Tax Rate Update:
Joe Pitre explained that when he heard the tax rate was set at $19.11 he was concerned about the large increase and went into the municipal offices to review the MS-24.  In reviewing the form he was able to locate some "glaring errors" in the tuition payment and food service lines and helped to correct them.  Therefore the new tax rate is $17.51.  Joe stated that he feels there are still some errors to locate and that it is this committee's job to watch the budstats and budget proposals closely to identify any errors.  Arthur noted that the current tax rate seems to be about right because the voters passed a sixty-one cent increase for the schools in March.

Deb questioned what the school board is doing in response to these errors.  Steve Durrance replied that the school board has not met since the tax rate was set to address this issue.  Deb asked how this committee is going to stop these type of errors from occurring again.  Arthur replied that the committee can request to see the MS-24 prior to it heading to the DRA, so as to compare it to the MS-27 that the budget committee signs in March/April.

2.  Review of School Budstats:
A.  Brian St. Onge asked to have the current month expenditures added to the expenditure report.

B. Gail requested the teacher's name, position, salary, what step they are on, and what their insurance plan or buyback is for each employee at all the schools.  It was discussed that all this information is public information and should not be protected under HEPA laws because she is not requesting the names of their doctors and medical information, just the type of plan (single/family) they are on.  It was also discussed that if the school board finds that any of the requested information is protected than a legal document stating that should be provided in lieu of.

C.  Joe requested a breakdown of how Middleton tuition is calculated.  He stated that he recently heard that the tuition is based on 1/2 day attendance so if a Middleton student is sick or absent for a week than the town would not pay for that student for the week.  The board discussed that if this is true than maybe the contract needs to be rethought because a teacher and classroom space needs to be provided for that student whether or not he is sick.

3.  Proposed School Budget Quick Review:
A.  Gail asked if the school board budget is a new department for 2008-2009.  Steve D. responded that he believes this item was just broken out of the district budget and includes the stipend for the school board members.  He stated that he believes the board members each get $2000, with the Chairman receiving $2500.

B.  Joe asked for a breakdown of the estimated grants that are proposed in the budget.

C.  Deb questioned where the district budget is.  Steve D. will ask Ms. Langa for it.

D.  Deb questioned if there are any large expenditures coming up that the school board is aware of.  Steve D. responded that the roofs on the schools will need to be redone and there is a lighting issue by the stage area at Henry Wilson that will need to be addressed according to the Fire Marshall.  

E.  Paula requested a memo or email from the school board informing this committee as to what budgets will be presented on which nights next week.  Steve D. will do this.

F.  Deb asked what the highlighted items on the CIP depict and if the school board has been following this plan.  Steve D. replied that he is not sure but that he will ask this question of Ms. Langa.

4.  Review Town Budstats:
A.  Brian questioned what the FEMA monies are expended on.  Paula Proulx responded that the funds go directly towards the projects that were outlined in the reports used for requesting FEMA assistance.

B.  Gail questioned what the "sale of town property" line is.  Paula responded that this line includes different items that are sold like the York rake and an old truck.  Steve Henry asked how the items for sale are advertised.  Paula replied that she is not really sure.  Steve said that a good way to advertise would be on EBAY and he would volunteer his services to assist the town with listing items such as the old ladder truck.  

C.  Brian questioned what the town hall rental expense of $1125 was for.  Paula stated in reviewing the budstat for the meeting tonight she also noted this line and has not had time to fully research what the line is for.  She stated that in quick research she discovered that the walls a the old town hall had to be repainted, but is not sure why or who authorized the expenditure.  Paula will look into this and report back to the committee.

5.  Other Business:
A.  The committee set the public hearing for the school budget for January 7, 2008 at 7pm with a snow date for January 9, 2008.

B.  Bill Tsirois offered his resignation to the committee noting he could not commit to the meeting due to his mother's illness. Ann Titus stated that she appreciated Bill's service to the committee and wished him and his family well.  A copy of this resignation is attached to these minutes. Arthur Capello motioned to accept Bill Tsiros' resignation, 2nd Steve Henry.  Motion carried with all in favor.

The committee discussed that they need to advertise this open seat according to their newly adopted policies and procedures by posting at the Post Office and Municipal Building for a minimum of 14 days.

C.  The committee decided to post the December 12, 2007 workshop with a regular meeting to follow.  It was also clarified that the school budget workshop dates are set for December 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, and 13th with the 6th and 13th being snow dates.

Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Chairman Pitre adjourned the meeting at 9:10pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Secretary, Ann Titus