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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 08-22-07
Wednesday - August 22, 2007

Members Present:        Chairman Joe Pitre, Mike Morin, Ann Titus, Gail Ellis (arrived at 7:38pm) and Arthur Capello.

Members Excused:        Steve Henry and Bill Tsirois

Member’s Absent:        Debra Cantwell

Selectman's Rep:                Paula Proulx

School Board Rep:       Steven Durrance

Public Present:         Brian St.Onge

Chairman Joe Pitre called the meeting to order at 7:0pm.

1.  Open Seat:
Brian St. Onge introduced himself as a candidate for the budget committee.  Paula Proulx motioned to appoint Brian St. Onge to the open seat on the budget committee, 2nd Steve Durrance.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2. Updates:
a.  Bill Tsirois will not be returning from Greece in September because his mother is ill.  The committee was in agreement to list him as excused from the meetings.

b.  Joe informed the committe that a new Business Administrator has been hired for the SAU and in meeting with him, he appears to be very accomodating and helpful.  Joe also reported that this new administrator will be changing the format of the reports to make the more user friendly and would like feedback as to their usefulness.

c.  Mike stated that he would like to see the Town use the old revenue sheet from a few years back.  Joe asked him to bring in a copy so that Pam will have an idea of what he would like to see.  Mike went on to question if the committee should come up with a budgeting form for the Town to use.  The committee was in concensus that they would like the Town to do their budgets similiar to the schools in that they list the individual salaries and health costs by breaking it down by position and department.  The committee also decided this breakdown could be on a separate attached sheet.

d.  Arthur stated he would like to set the school budget presentation schedule  at the next meeting for the week of December 7th.

3. Review of Minutes:
Ann Titus motioned to accept the minutes as amended to correct that Arthur Capello was present, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried.

4.  Town Budstat Review:
a.  Mike asked why legal is overexpended.  Paula responded that a lot of the legal fees have to do with the Collins and Aikman bankruptcy and protecting the Town's interest.

b. Arthur asked what happened with the old Police Department's Expedition.  Paula responded that the Animal Control Officer uses it.

c.  Arthur asked what happens with encumbered FEMA monies if they are not spent.  Paula responded that all the monies will be spent soon on the bridges.

5.  School Budstat Review:
a.  Joe stated that line  40-4000-3312-0-60 (transfer from CP fund) was an error and it has been corrected.  The question came up as to where the $6744.33 went in the budget if it was corrected.  Steve will inquire.

6. Policy and Procedures Discussion:
Arthur Capello motioned to table the policy and procedures discussion, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.  

7.  Other:
Mike Morin motioned to reconsider the minutes of June26,2007, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed that the drafted changes to the Policy and Procedures should be attached to the minutes.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Paula Proulx motioned to table the June 26, 2007 minutes until the next meeting so the policy and procedures draft changes can be reviewed and attached, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Mike Morin opposed.

8.  Review of School Questions:
a.   Steve included the questions and answers in his monthly report. Please see the Budget Committe binder for a copy of these questions and answers.

b. Arthur questioned if a teacher gets an immediate salary increase when completing more education credits or do they need to wait for the next budget year?

c.  Gail requested the square footages of the school buildings and the size of the fuel tanks for each building.

d.  Paula questioned if there is a service agreement for the heating systems at the schools?

e.  Gail questioned when the health care open enrollment occurs.  Paula added that she would like to know if the school puts in a buffer to help cover the costs of any health care plan changes that might occur throughout the year.

f. Paula questioned if anyone negotiates insurance plans and prices for the schools.

g.  Mike commented that he hopes the schools is keeping records of bus trips, fuel costs, etc. so they will have a clear idea what to budget for in 2008-09.

h.  Steve informed the committee that in 2008-09 the salaries for the Title 1 Secretary and Director will need to be 100% paid because they will no longer be covered by a grant.  The committee requested a job description for the Title 1 Director.

i.  The committee would like to know who is the Homeless coordinator and what is the line item used for.

j.  The committee would like an explanation on the whole block starting with 10-2900-0.  Specifically why these line items have no budgeted amounts but are overspent.

k.  Gail requested that the default budget line amounts be added to the budget proposals.

Next meeting scheduled for September 26, 2007.

Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Mike Morin.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting  adjourned at 9:16pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary