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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 1-31-07
Town of Farmington
Budget Committee
January 31, 2007
Meeting Minutes

Members Present:  Chairman Arthur Capello, Deb Cantwell, Ann Titus, Joe Pitre, Selectman William Tsiros and School Board Rep. Rich Cilley.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Arthur Capello at 7:04pm

1.  The committee set the following dates;
        a.  February 7, 2007 at 7pm to meet with dept. heads for budget review
        b.  February 9, 2007 at 7pm to meet with dept. heads for budget review
        c.  February 13th at 7pm to meet with dept. heads for budget review and then have joint              meeting with Selectman.
       d.  February 15, 2007 at 7pm for Public Hearing on Town Budget
        e.  February 28, 2007 at 7pm for scheduled Budget Committee meeting.

2.  Kathy Seaver, Town Clerk, joined meeting to inform this committee of deadlines for hearings and such.  The public hearing for the Town budget has to be held by the 16th of February and the warrant articles have to be posted by February 26.  Kathy also informed the board that there are 5 seats open on this board and that only one seat has been signed back up for re-election.  Also, Kathy stated she will email a rough draft of the proposed warrant articles to the budget committee so they can take a look at them.

3.  It was discussed it would be nice if this committee could get a copy of the Selectman minutes were they discussed the Town budget because they may have some of the same questions the Selectman had and it would save a lot of time.

4.  Joe Pitre moved to accept the minutes from 1-9-07 as amended, Ann Titus seconded, Motion passed with Bill Tsiros abstaining.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm.

Repectfully submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary