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Budget Committee Meeting MInutes 4-4-07
Wednesday - April 4, 2007

Committee Members Present: Arthur Capello, Mike Morin, Joe Pitre, Ann Titus, Debra Cantwell, and Gail Ellis.

Committee Members Excused:  Selectman's Rep. Paula Proulx and School Board Rep.  Steven Durrance.

Meeting called to order at 7:08pm

1.  Open Seats and Liaisons:  Arthur reported that Steve Durrance is the new School Board Representative to this committee and Paula Proulx is the new Selectman's Rep.  Paula was unable to attend the night's meeting because she was in a Board of Selectman meeting.  Arthur also stated that Bill Tsiros is going to continue on the committee but will be out of the country until September and Mike Morin agreed to accept the write-in and come back on the committee.  This leaves one open seat on the budget committee.  It was discussed to post the opening in the Rochester Times, on the Town website and on Ch. 26 as well as send letters to possible interested parties.

2. Nominations:  Ann Titus nominated Mike Morin for Chair, Arthur Capello seconded.  Mike declined due to contraints of his job.
Mike Morin nominated Joe Pitre for Chair, Debra Cantwell seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Arthur Capello nominated Gail Ellis for Vice-Chairman, Ann Titus seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Arthur Capello nominated Ann Titus for Secretary, Debra Cantwell seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

3.  Minute Approval:  Arthur Capello moved for a 15 minuted recess to go over the minutes, Mike Morin seconded.  Motion recinded.
Arthur moved to table the approval of the minutes until the next meeting, Mike Morin seconded.  Discussion held that all members do not have all the minutes and would like a complete set of minutes including 12-12-06, 12-19-06, 12-20-06, 1-30-07, 2-7-07, 2-9-07, 2-13-07, 2-15-07, 2-26-07, and 4-4-07.  Motion passed with all in favor.

4.  School Budstat Review:  Deb questioned why HWMS and the high school is about $70,000 over budget for their fuel costs and over budget for insurance.  It was discussed to bring these questions to the school board representative at the next meeting.

5.  Budget Committee Requests:  The committee discussed that it would like the following reports monthly for their meetings: food service reports, revenue reports from the school and the Town, and budstats from the school and the Town.  It was also discussed that the Town should begin presenting budgets in September to make the process go smoother and more responsibly.  (These budgets should include what was budgeted in previous years for
comparison and the school default budget should be presented as well.)  Also it was noted that many times when departments present their budgets they frequently say "it is mandated,"  the committee would like references/proof as to where they are mandated.

6.  Meeting Schedule:  Arthur Capello moved to meet on April 18, 2007 at 7pm in the Selectman's Chambers, Ann Titus seconded.  Motion passed with Mike Morin opposed.
Ann Titus moved to meet on May 23, 2007 at 7pm in the Selectman's Chambers, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Gail Ellis motioned to adjourn, Arthur Capello seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

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Ann Titus, Secretary                            Date