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Budget Committee and Selectmen Joint Meeting 2-15-07
Thursday - February 15, 2007

Committee Members Present:  Chairman Arthur Capello, Joe Pitre, Ann Titus, Debra Cantwell, Gail Ellis, School Board Rep. Rich Cilley and Selectman's Rep.  William Tsiros.

Selectman Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, and Gerry McCarthy.

Public Present: John Terriault

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

Public Hearing on Town Proposed Budget opened.

Resident, John Terriault asked what the response would be if someone from the floor asked what the tax impact on Article 22 (accepting Cherub Dr. and Holly Lane as public roads) would be.  Arthur Capello replied that the question would be referred to the Highway Dept.

It was discussed that by spending the $420,000 on the Quint fire truck the Town will get the equipment it really needs plus the Capital Reserve Fund will come down drastically making Farmington eligible for grants.

Public Hearing on Town Budget closed at 7:35pm.

Arthur Capello requested a breakdown from Joel Moulton, Public Works Director, of what vehicles/equipment his departments own and the years on them.

The committee would like a printout of what has been put away in Capital Reserves for the last three years.

Gail Ellis moved to accept the town budget of $5,559,889.39, Joe Pitre seconded.  Motion passes with one nay from Ann Titus.

Warrant Articles:
1.  Gail Ellis moved to recommend Article 8, Debra Cantwell seconded.  Discussion followed that this article would include the Old Town Hall, Old Courthouse, and the Rec. Building.  Also the Old Town Hall sprinkler system is currently out to bid.  Motion passed with all in favor.
2.  Gail Ellis moved to recommend Article 9 with the recommendation to flip Article 9 and 10, Rich Cilley seconded for discussion. Rich questioned why putting in $50,000 when trying to spend down the fund so can qualify for grants.  The Selectman replied that we would need money in the reserve to get grants though over the past three years this amount has averaged about $100,000 being put away each year.  Motion passed with all in favor.
3.  Gail moved to recommend Article 10, Ann Titus seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Joe Pitre moved to recommend Article 11, Gail Ellis seconded.  Rich questioned why the article was not written "for the sum of $75,300 for the purchase of an excavator and $50,000 to come out of taxation."  The Selectman responded that only $11,000 is needed out of the $50,000 and the remainder would be kept in the highway capital fund.  Motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Ann Titus moved to recommend Article 12, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
6.  Rich Cilley moved to recommend Article 13, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
7.  Joe Pitre moved to recommend Article 14 as long as it reads with the correct Capital Reserve Fund title, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
8.  Bill Tsiros moved to recommend Article 15, Debra Cantwell seconded.  Discussion followed as to why money is being put in this fund if there is currently no plan for building a Public Safety Building.  Selectman replied to keep working towards the goal for building though they did cut this in half this year.  Motion failed with Gail Ellis, Arthur Capello, Ann Titus and Rich Cilley opposed because there is no concrete plan in place.
9. Rich Cilley moved to recommend Article 15, Ann Titus seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
10.  Ann Titus moved to recommend Article 17, Debra Cantwell seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
11.  Bill Tsiros moved to recommend Article 18 with amendment that the statement "with balance of $14,000 to come from general taxation ", Ann Titus seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
12.  Rich Cilley moved to recommend Article 19, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with Joe Pitre abstaining.

Rich Cilley moved to adjourn, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

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Ann Titus, Secretary                            Date