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12-20-06 Budget Committee Minutes
Town of Farmington
Budget Committee
December 20, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Members Present:  Chairman Arthur Capello, Deb Cantwell, Ann Titus, Michael Morin, Gail Ellis, Joe Pitre, Walter Mills, and School Board Rep. Rich Cilley.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Arthur Capello at 7:12pm

1. Upcoming Budget Committee meeting/workshop schedule:
        Jan. 8, 2007 - Meeting with School Board at 7pm at FHS library.
        Jan. 9, 2007 - Public Hearing at 7pm for school budgets
        Jan.11, 2007 - Public Hearing at 7pm for school budgets only if needed.
Rich Cilley will discuss with committee when would be a good date to go over the warrant articles on Jan. 8, 2007.

2. Recommendations given to Rich Cilley to bring back to the School Board on the proposed budgets.
        a. To have any non-bargaining persons to receive a 3.3% increase.
        b. To have the $7000 from the ballfield maintenance line from the facilities budget come            out of the CIP.
        c. To have line 10-2620-7313 and 7353 for new locks under facilities budget come out        of the CIP.
        d. To have lines 10-1100-7345 and 10-1100-7370 from the FHS budget be flat          funded and the increase coming from the CIP.
The committee also asked Rich for a breakdown of the anticipated grants and revenues and to find out of if the service contract for 10-2620-4391 is for one year and exactly what it covers.  Gail asked for a breakdown of the $278,000 grant Sue Pleau wrote and what it will cover.

3.  Mike Morin noted for the record that HWMS-Lower Principal, Joel Chagnon was unavailable during both workshops to discuss his budget.  Arthur also noted that a Selectman's Rep.  was not attending these meetings regularly.

4.  Minute Approval: Ann Titus moved to accept the minutes of 11-30-06 as written, Joe Pitre seconded.  Motion passed with Michael Morin, Walter Mills and Gail Ellis abstaining.

5. Arthur noted that Bill Snowdon will need to be sent a letter dismissing him from the budget committee since he has not been in attendance.

Rich Cilley moved to adjourn, Gail Ellis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.

Repectfully submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

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Ann Titus, Secretary                            Date