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Last Updated: 2008/11/3
TUESDAY, September 23, 2008
These minutes are not verbatim
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rich Bayer (Acting Chair) Jim Thibodeau, Dennis Keeler, Willie
Audet, Stan Given.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Jay Meyer, Kevin McCarthy.
The meeting opened at 6:33 pm.
Minutes: August 2008 – Mr. Given motions to approve August minutes. Mr. Thibodeau
seconds the motion. All in favor. Vote is unanimous 4-0 with Mr. Keeler not participating.
1) John G. Howard-Is requesting Conditional Use under Sections 6.2b to build a dormer
at 14 Depot Rd. Parcel #U11-028 zoned “RA “.
Mr. Howard presents his plan for the 5 unit complex and the main building has 3 units in
it and the top floor which I call apartment #2 has 2 bedrooms in it that are not usable.
This is the reason why he would like to have this dormer.
Mr. Bayer said there is no one from the public to make a comment. Whoever is usually
not a voting member will be a voting member.
Mr. Thibodeau asked if the 2 bedroom windows are currently egress windows.
Mr. Howard answered yes, the 2 windows are egress.
Mr. Thibodeau asked if it is something the Code Officer would check anyway?
Mr. Farris answered yes; at least one is needed in each bedroom.
Mr. Keeler asked if these are existing bedrooms?
Mr. Howard replied yes.
Mr. Keeler questioned that the dormer pops up in the lines of the roof it doesn’t bring it
any higher or closer?
Mr. Farris answered correct.
Mr. Keeler stated under 6.2, he doesn’t see anything as being an issue.
Mr. Bayer asked about an item in their packet that looks like Mr. Farris’s handwriting and
asked Mr. Farris did he personally measure the distance between the two points?
Mr. Farris said no he didn’t measure the distance between the components and that he
didn’t do the handwriting in black only the handwriting in blue. He said he looked up the
width of the right of way on the street list and it 49 ½ ft. Mr. Howard had shown 39 ft from
the center of the road. He just did the simple math and called 14 ft plus or minus from
the right of way to the building, then initialed and dated it. Mr. Farris said the dormer
would meet the minimum 10 ft set back.
Mr. Thibodeau questioned he didn’t see that he is making it more of a multiplex and
asked that these are two existing bedrooms and that you are not further subdividing this
or making additional units?
Mr. Howard said correct, the rooms exist.
Mr. Farris stated for the record that there are 4 dwelling units shown on the assessors
Mr. Bayer asked if someone would like to make a motion?
Mr. Thibodeau motions to approve the application.
Mr. Given seconds the motion.
All in favor 5-0 it is unanimous.
Meeting adjourns 6:49pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrice Perreault Recording Secretary.