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November 26 Agenda Item 6
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Size: 309K
Last Updated: 2012/11/15
Discussion of a protocol outlining procedures to be followed by the Greater Portland Economic Development Corporation (“GPEDC”) and its member communities, including Falmouth, for business location inquiries from within the Greater Portland region as well as for those from beyond the region.  

ACTION: No Council action is anticipated.
The GPEDC was established in 2010 as a regional economic development corporation with the purpose to grow and develop a sustainable economy in the Greater Portland region using a collaborative approach. Falmouth is one of six municipal members, and is represented on the GPEDC Board of Directors by Theo Holtwijk.

The GPEDC Board has developed, and recently endorsed, a Handling of Prospects Protocol (“Protocol”) in order to work cooperatively and efficiently in responding to business investment prospects, ensuring optimum chances for success of the region.

The GPEDC encourages each member community to endorse this protocol as well. A draft resolution, including the protocol, is attached.