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December 10 Agenda Item 11
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 94K
Last Updated: 2012/12/6
Size: 79K
Last Updated: 2012/12/4
Size: 271K
Last Updated: 2012/12/4
Introduction of an ordinance to amend Chapter 17, Traffic and Motor Vehicles, Art III, Sec. 17-92, (a), of the Town Ordinances,  to modify the parking restrictions on Lunt Road.

ACTION: Schedule Public Hearing.
With the closing of Plummer-Motz and Lunt Schools and the future Oceanview redevelopment, the parking restrictions on Lunt Road between Middle Road and Falmouth Road need to be modified to allow for the proposed on-street parking.

The proposed amendment would prohibit all parking along the north side of Lunt Road while allowing it on the south side of Lunt Road in the general areas proposed to be striped for parking spaces as shown on the attached plan. 

The restricted area on the south side will be the area between the Middle/Lunt Road intersection and the first driveway into the Plummer School site.