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June 18 Agenda Item 4
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 20K
Last Updated: 2012/6/14
Size: 331K
Last Updated: 2012/6/13
Presentation on an invasive plant species program and order to approve a supplemental appropriation of $18,000 ($10,000 from unassigned fund balance and $8,000 from grant resources) to finance a pilot program, said supplemental appropriation will be for Fiscal Year 2013.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The Conservation Commission intends to launch a community-wide effort to address the problems posed by the widespread distribution of various species of invasive terrestrial plants  in our community. Their goals are two-fold:

1. Reduce or eliminate invasive plants on Town conservation properties; and

2.  Educate the residents about the problem these plants pose and the steps they can take to control them on their property.

This presentation is intended to brief the Town Council about an invasive plant management and education plan and to request support for a supplemental appropriation to fund the program in the first year.

A copy of the proposed plan and budget is attached.

This is a pilot project which will require a one time appropriation from unassigned fund balance. Should the program be successful, it is likely that ongoing local funding will be requested through the development of the annual operating budget.