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May 30 Agenda Item 15
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 188K
Last Updated: 2012/5/30
Size: 243K
Last Updated: 2012/5/30
Size: 95K
Last Updated: 2012/5/25
Size: 47K
Last Updated: 2012/5/29
Size: 17K
Last Updated: 2011/10/18
Size: 124K
Last Updated: 2012/5/21
Introduction of amendments to Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.68, of the Falmouth Town Ordinance that will change the overall maximum levels of assistance for the General Assistance program and incorporate the FY 2013 "Temporary" Housing. These two amendments are necessary to address two programmatic changes enacted by the Legislature on April 12, 2012.

ACTION: Schedule Public Hearing
Maximums are outlined in Chapter 6, Section 6.68, Appendices A-H of the Falmouth Town Ordinance. Appendices A, B, and C outline the overall maximums, food maximums, and housing maximums respectively. Appendices D, E, and F outline utilities, heating fuel and personal household and personal care respectively. These levels are established as a matter of state law based on certain federal values that are made effective on the first day of October each year and therefore must be adopted by the Town Council annually.

As a result of the actions of the state Legislature, the General Assistance ordinances which were adopted by the Falmouth Town Council on November 14, 2011 need to be amended to incorporate state-level policy changes.
Please find attached an introduction letter, both the current GA maximums summary sheet and the amended overall maximum and the amendment to incorporate the FY 2013 Temporary Housing Assistance Limit. The text of the changes adopted by the state Legislature are also attached.

UPDATE: On May 29, the Town received further information from the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) that the Attorney General's office had reviewed the Legislature's actions and changed their opinion regarding the necessary amendments.  The documents attached have been updated to reflect this new opinion.  The text of MMA's email is attached for your reference.