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May 30 Agenda Item 11
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 100K
Last Updated: 2012/5/24
Size: 7.1K
Last Updated: 2012/5/24
Size: 131K
Last Updated: 2012/5/23
Size: 131K
Last Updated: 2012/5/23
Size: 96K
Last Updated: 2012/2/23
Public hearing and Order on a zoning amendment to create a Water View Overlay District.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The Council accepted a request by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to review the Zoning Ordinance's requirement for a Conditional Use approval for development for non-conforming lots and non-conforming structures that may affect a water view. The Council assigned this review to the Community Development Committee (CDC). The amendment will create an overlay district and maintain the existing level of review for these lots and structures.  This will allow for the remainder of nonconforming dwellings and lots to be permitted without a Conditional Use Approval.  

A public hearing was held March 26 and CDC requested the order be tabled until they could discuss the amendment further.  The order was tabled April 26 and again May 14 to allow for this second public hearing regarding a sunset provision recommended by the CDC.

Attached please find an introduction letter and the original amendment language.  Also attached is a revised amendment which includes the sunset provision and the explanation from the CDC for the revision.