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November 14 Agenda Item 7
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 1.4M
Last Updated: 2011/9/8
Size: 5.9M
Last Updated: 2011/9/8
Size: 7.1K
Last Updated: 2011/9/20
Size: 94K
Last Updated: 2011/9/20
Order for an amendment to the Code of Ordinances to prohibit the use and sale of consumer fireworks.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
A new state law “An Act To Legalize the Sale, Possession and Use of Fireworks” was signed on July 1, 2011. This law will allow the sale and use of fireworks in any Maine community unless it is prohibited or restricted by local ordinance.

At the Town Council meeting on September 12, the Town Council requested staff to develop an ordinance that will ban the sale and use of fireworks.

A copy of the introduction letter, proposed ordinance, state law and an excerpt from a Maine Municipal Association publication are attached.