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December 13 Agenda Item 13
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 451K
Last Updated: 2010/12/13
Size: 783K
Last Updated: 2010/10/21
Size: 119K
Last Updated: 2010/10/21
Size: 44K
Last Updated: 2010/10/21
Size: 183K
Last Updated: 2010/10/18
Order for amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article III in order to establish an Energy Committee, and to remove the Cable TV Committee.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
Attached please find a memo from Councilor Breen, a letter of introduction and proposed amendments to the Boards and Committees section of the Code of Ordinances, along with relevant background documents. These amendments eliminate the Cable TV Committee and establish a Recycling and Energy Advisory Committee.

Councilor Faith Varney has discovered a minor issue in the Code of Ordinances that states the Parks and Community Programs Advisory Committee should have 5 members when in practice this committee has always included 7 members. This change has been incorporated into the amendment that is attached.

UPDATE 12/13/10: It was discovered this afternoon that an earlier, draft version of the ordinance amendment was inadvertently attached to this item. That version has now been replaced with the correct version as it was introduced at the October 25 meeting and including the amendment to PACPAC.