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October 25 Agenda Item 5
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 18K
Last Updated: 2010/10/19
Size: 722K
Last Updated: 2010/10/18
Order to approve the submittal of a grant application to the Recreational Trails Program.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
This project will add ±7 miles of non-motorized trails to support passive recreation in the town of Falmouth and upgrade another ±14 miles of existing trails over a 24-month project period. These trails are primarily located on publicly accessible conservation lands owned or controlled by the Town of Falmouth and Falmouth Land Trust and link several of these properties together. They also connect to trails on conservation lands in the bordering towns of Windham and Cumberland. Only ±1.4 miles of trail in this system are or will be located on private property with the written permission of landowners. Allowable uses include hiking, mountain biking, snowshoeing, nature study, geocaching, cross-country skiing and, to a limited extent, equestrian use.

A map detailing the trails system, including the proposed improvements, is attached along with the cost sharing summary.