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November 8 Agenda Item 8
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Size: 80K
Last Updated: 2010/11/3
Resolution to accept a grant from the State of Maine for the acquisition of Open Space properties.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
This resolution is a formality required by the State of Maine Land for Maine's Future Grant program (LMF). A copy of the resolution is attached.

The property is known as Dictar II, a 16 acre parcel that is a connection within the Hadlock Community Forest holdings. The original intent was to acquire it thorigh the 2007 LMF grant, but the Town could not reach an agreement with the landowner at that time.

This past spring we were notified by LMF that some unspent funds had become available. After notifying the property owner, we reached agreement on a sales price at $64,000 and LMF awarded us the sale price and an additional $7,000 to cover the cost of the appraisal, survey and hazardous materials survey.

The sale was finalized in July and an easement was granted to the Falmouth Land Trust. This resolution will allow us to receive the grant funds.