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November 8 Agenda Item 4
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 94K
Last Updated: 2010/11/3
Size: 79K
Last Updated: 2010/11/3
Size: 591K
Last Updated: 2010/11/3
Update on FEMA process for Proposed Flood Maps.

ACTION: Council action is not anticipated.
The Council recieved an update on the draft flood maps on August 9, 2010.  Since that date, FEMA has contacted all communities in York and Cumberland Counties with an opportunity to engage in a new process to evaluate flood hazard and mitigation.  This new process, Risk MAP, would replace the proposed flood maps and be much more comprehensive in nature.  The Town will need to make a decision on whether to participate in this process or not.  Please find enclosed a memo from Community Development Director Amanda Stearns with several attachments.