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May 24 Agenda Item 13
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 184K
Last Updated: 2010/5/20
Size: 54K
Last Updated: 2010/5/20
Size: 30K
Last Updated: 2010/5/20
Request and introduction from Councilor Fred Chase regarding a proposed amendment to the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance to alter the required Open Space for Resource Conservation Developments and the amount required for net residential area.

ACTION: A public hearing may be scheduled
Community Development Director Amanda Stearns will offer a presentation that will provide details about the history of this provision, impacts on density, impact on conservation land, and overall land use planning considerations. Ms. Stearns will also provide a detailed and possible graphic illustration of the current language compared to alternative language. This matter pertains to sections of the ordinance that require open space for Resource Conservation development as well as net buildable area for individual lots.  Attached is a summary of the current regulations, an introduction letter and amendment language.