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May 10 Agenda Item 12
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 185K
Last Updated: 2010/5/3
Size: 197K
Last Updated: 2010/5/3
Size: 343K
Last Updated: 2010/5/3
Size: 52K
Last Updated: 2010/5/3
Introduction of an amendment to the Code of Ordinances relative to Street Acceptance.

ACTION:  Schedule date for public hearing.
The Ordinance Committee will introduce a rewrite of Sections 14-51 through 14-59, Dedication and Acceptance.  The intent of the rewrite is to bring the ordinance in conformance with current practices and policy.  Attached is a cover memo, ordinance language, introduction letter and a spreadsheet showing the private streets which have been approved and may be eligible for street acceptance.