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April 12 Agenda Item 9
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 11K
Last Updated: 2010/4/8
Order to schedule the School Department Budget Validation Referendum on June 8, 2010. Discussion on the updated Budget Validation Referendum time line pertaining to LD 1671. Charter Article VIII § 803,  20-A  M.S.R.S.2528§ (4)(5) M.S.R.S. 1486 § (2).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The enactment of LD 1671 on March 31, 2010 changes the Budget Validation Referendum procedures to allow scheduling of  the "BVR" within 30 days after the regional school unit budget meeting. Prior to this change the "BVR" must be held on or before the 14th calendar day following the scheduled date of the regional school unit budget meeting.

A copy of the order is attached.