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January 11 Agenda Item 3
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 24K
Last Updated: 2009/12/28
Size: 250K
Last Updated: 2009/12/29
Size: 15K
Last Updated: 2009/12/29
Consideration and order to authorize the Town Manager to accept an easement from property owners of Foreside Place for public use and maintenance of sidewalks on private property.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.
The Planning Board approved the expansion of Foreside Arbors to include a new branch bank.  This project includes landscaping and sidewalk improvements within the Clearwater Drive right-of-way as well as on private property.  The final step is an easement to the town to be accepted by the Town Council for the public improvements on private property.  Please find attached a memo from Ethan Croce, Senior Planner, easement language and a plan showing the improvements.