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November 9 Agenda Item 7
Discussion and possible order to approve plowing certain sidewalks, including Johnson Road.

ACTION: Council action is possible.
The Town Council recently received an informal citizen petition that requests sidewalk plowing services on Johnson Road.

The Town currently plows 2.7 miles in mostly commercial areas of Route One. There are 5.9 miles of sidewalks throughout town that are not plowed. The cost per mile to remove snow on sidewalks via contract for services is approximately $3,500/year. Johnson Road is 0.73 miles and would cost approximately $2,500/year to remove snow. Johnson Road is now part of an expanded Metro bus route. Staff has reviewed the costs and the need to plow snow from the sidewalks and concluded that the town should add Johnson Road to the list of roads which will receive sidewalk plowing services.

A more thorough policy discussion should take place during the FY11 budget development process to determine which sidewalks should receive sidewalk plowing services in the future.