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Town Council Meeting Agenda
October 26, 2009
Falmouth Town Hall
Council Chambers - 7:00 PM

Agenda Item
Roll Call
Council Attendance
Public Forum
This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters which are not part of the meeting agenda.
Resolution to recognize Kevin Grover, Lunt School second grade teacher, for his recent selection by the Maine Department of Education as the Maine State Teacher of the Year.
Resolution to recognize the U9-10 Falmouth All-Star Baseball team's 2009 State Championship.
Item 3
Report from Council Committees and liaisons regarding updates on assignments.
Item 4
Report from the Appointments Committee and order relative to filling various vacancies on Boards and Committees.
Public Hearing and order to renew a liquor license for Portland Country Club.
Green Ribbon Commission status report to the Town Council.
Discussion of the Briefing Report for Former Brown Property, 260 Foreside Road.
Order to adopt a resolution adopting a Red Flag Policy and establishing an identity theft prevention program.
Order to adopt a resolution to oppose the following November 3 statewide referendum questions:

"Do you want to cut the rate of the municipal excise tax by an average of 55% on motor vehicles less than six years old and exempt hybrid and other alternative-energy and highly fuel-efficient motor vehicles from sales tax and three years of excise tax?” (Motor Vehicle Local Excise Tax Amendment)

"Do you want to change the existing formulas that limit state and local government spending and require voter approval by referendum for spending over those limits and for increases in state taxes?" (TABOR II)
Discussion and possible introduction of an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance, Chapter 9 Article IV.
Introduction to amend the Traffic and Motor Vehicle ordinance, Chapter 17, such amendment would restrict parking on Woodville Road in a location near the Middle School, new Elementary School and Superintendent's office.