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February 23 Agenda Item 6
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 17K
Last Updated: 2009/2/3
Size: 316K
Last Updated: 2009/1/6
Discussion about the findings in a report regarding the condition of a former residence, now owned by the Town and located at 260 Foreside Road, tax map U16-015.  

ACTION: Council action is requested - schedule an order at a future date pertaining to the future use of the structure located on this property.
The Town Council discussed this matter at its January 12, 2009 meeting. The Council requested this item be placed on the February 23 meeting agenda so that it could also review estimates to demolish the building, located on the property, and a report on the value of the building. Anne Gregory, Assessor, has prepared and attached a memo pertaining to the building value. The Code Enforcement Officer has received an estimate on demolition. The estimate is $9,850 to demolish the structures, fill the foundation hole, finish grade, and apply loam and seed.

The town purchased this property in 2006. The property abuts Underwood Park and includes a former residence on 3.34 acres. The Town Council has not issued an order or resolution pertaining to the future use of the property. The Town Manager recommended and commissioned a study to determine the condition of the former residential structure. A copy of the report is attached. The Town Manager is requesting direction from the Town Council on whether to demolish the structure or secure it for future sale or use by the town.