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October 7 Agenda Item 2
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 239K
Last Updated: 2009/10/8
Size: 44K
Last Updated: 2009/10/7
Size: 155K
Last Updated: 2009/10/7
A presentation by the Town Council's Finance Sub-committee and discussion on the following referendum question: "Do you want to cut the rate of the municipal excise tax by an average of 55% on motor vehicles less than six years old and exempt hybrid and other alternative-energy and highly fuel-efficient motor vehicles from sales tax and three years of excise tax?” (Motor Vehicle Local Excise Tax Amendment)
A copy of the presentation is attached.

The Council will also discuss whether they will consider a resolution in favor or in opposition to the referendum question.  

Per a request, a copy of the Town Council meeting minutes of October 23, 2006 is attached along with a resolution that was adopted at that meeting, opposing the Tabor I question in 2006.

The public will have an opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the presentation.