August 24 Agenda Item 5
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 184K
Last Updated: 2009/7/21
Size: 27K
Last Updated: 2009/7/1
Size: 32K
Last Updated: 2009/7/1
Size: 23K
Last Updated: 2009/7/2
Public Hearing for amendments to the Zoning and Site Review Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance regarding stormwater provisions.

ACTION:  Public Hearing, schedule order
Jay Reynolds, Interim Parks and Public Works Director, is recommending the stormwater provisions to update the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances in order to meet the state's monitoring requirements under Falmouth's General Discharge Permit.  The deadline for adoption is September 1, 2009. A memo explaining the requirements and the draft amendment language is attached.
A copy of the letter of introduction, sponsored by Councilor Payne, is also attached.