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Recycling Committee Minutes 102007
Meeting Minutes

Date: Monday, October 15, 2007
Present: Bonnie Anderson, Sally Bitan, Kelly Fernald, Bill McMahon, Satoria Pelton, Bonny Rodden, Skip Varney, Mara Wiggin (Falmouth resident, elementary school mom)
Next Meeting: Monday, November 5, 2007 @ 5:00 PM, Falmouth Public Works

I.  Recycling at Schools
Mara Wiggin came to the meeting to discuss recycling at the schools. Skip and the committee updated Mara on progress
to date.
Pine Tree Waste and Troiano have given proposals for collecting recyclable at the schools to Topper West and Dan O’Shea.
Bill will ask Troiano for numbers on school trash taken to ecoMaine. (Not necessary due to update since meeting)
UPDATE: On October 23 Skip sent an e-mail letting the committee know that the schools have decided to go with Pine Tree
Waste to haul the recyclables. The program will use five large totes per school.

II.  Reviewing Curbside Recycling Results
Skip distributed number from ecoMaine and Pine Tree Waste.
The Pine Tree Waste numbers seemed useful, but did not include silver bullets, and need more history.
The numbers from ecoMaine were confusing and require clarification/correction before they could be useful.
The committee will attempt to assess the impact of curbside recycling again at a future meeting.

III.  Private Roads
An assessment is being conducted by the town of all private roads with more than 4 houses. The impact of collecting solid
waste on these roads is being evaluated.
The number of roads in this category, the number of houses on these roads, and the ability of these roads to support trash
trucks is being evaluated.

IV.  Projects for Students
7th and 8th grade students are available for community service projects. Ideas were discussed, including helping to kick off
the recycling programs at the elementary schools.
Kelly will invite Holly McEwen to the next meeting to discuss some of the options. Please bring your ideas to the November