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February 2010 Agenda

February 10, 2010  4:00 PM


I.    Call to Order

II.   Approval of June, September, and January 2010 Meeting Minutes

III.  Old Business
        a.  Vote on Corrugated Cardboard (if we have a quorum and is still required?)

IV. New Business
        a.  2010 Goals (As listed on Annual Report to Council)
                i.   Fill Committee Vacancies
                ii.  Advise and make recommendations to staff and council regarding recycling
                iii. Assist the High School Environmental Action Committee in their effort to "green" the school
                iv. Expand our understanding of recycling through guest speakers
                v.  Provide better information on the recycling portion of the website
                vi. Discuss and implement ways to increase both residential rates and business recycling
        b.  Is meeting time still convenient?  (Satoria can't make this time for at least beginning of year)

V.  Continuation
        a.  Recruiting - Filling one to two spots/PowerPoint/Website bulletin
        b.  Website - Helpful website links added to Recycling page - Bring ideas
        c.  Education Programs?
        d.  Guest Speakers?
        e.  Next Meeting - March 10, 2010

VI. Adjournment