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January 2010 Agenda

January 13, 2010 4:00 PM


I.    Call to Order

II.   Approval of June's and September's Meeting Minutes

III.  Old Business
        a.  Vote on Corrugated Cardboard (if we have a quorum and is still required)
        b.  Any feedback from Green Ribbon? (Bonny gave me an update)

IV.  New Business
        a.  Review Annual Report Rough Draft for Council - What are goals for 2010?
        b.  Eco-Excellence Awards - Nomination ideas
        c.  Recruitment ideas (2 to 3 open spots)
        d.  Budget Cuts - Curbside Recycling is on the list again
                i.   How successful has the program been?
                ii.  Has it saved any money (or neutral)?
                iii. What cost increases would we see if the recycling was added to the solid waste stream?
                        *   # of bags would go up
                        *   You'd pay for increased weight at ecomaine
        e.  Is meeting time still convenient?  (Satoria can't make this time for at least beginning of the year)

V.   Continuation
        a.  Recruiting - Filling one to two spots/PowerPoint/ Website bulletin
        b.  Website - Helpful website links added to Recycling page - bring ideas
        c.  Education Programs?
        d.  Guest Speakers?
        e.  Next Meeting - February 10, 2010

VI.  Adjournment