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May 2009 Agenda

May 13, 2009  4:00 PM


I.    Call to Order

II.   Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes

III.  Past Business
        a.  Corrugated Cardboard to EcoMaine--Jay and Bonny
                i.    Falmouth has a grandfathered arrangement with EcoMaine concerning recycling of corrugated cardboard.  The Town takes cardboard that is compacted at the transfer statoin to EcoMaine outside of the normal recycling program.
                ii.   In the past, when recyclable markets were better, the Town was paid for the corrugated cardboard so it was collected and delivered separately.
                iii.  Currently, the Town has to ay EcoMaine to take the corrugated cardboard to cover the cost of having it recycled.
                iv.  Prior to the Town having to pay for the cardboard to be recycled, the Town earned $1,600 over six months from this program.
                v.   The committee discussed whether this program should be discontinued and all corrugated cardboard should be recycled through the silver bullets as in other towns.
                vi.  The committee decided to table voting on this item until the May meeting.

IV.  New Business
        a.  Update on EAC--How are things going?  What else can we do?
        b.  Website
                i.    What else can we post?  i.e useful links to composting, useful EcoMaine pages, etc.
        c.  Goals for 2009
        d.  How to increase rates?
        e.  Education Programs?
        f.   Guest speakers?
        g.  Others?

V.   Next Meeting Date
        a.  What is best way to communicate with members?

VI.  Adjournment