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Community Programs Advisory Committee Minutes 08/20/13
Parks and Community Programs Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes 8/20/13, 4:00 PM

Present: Dominic Sette-Ducati, Janet Lane Dye, Melanie Collins, Dan Smith, Karen Jones, Lucky D’Ascanio
Secretary’s Report: Melanie volunteered to be secretary for the meeting.   Previous meeting was the Parks Tour, so no written report.  Discussion of tour-  Dan asked if we can take the community on the bus for a parks tour during the summer?  Staffing would be an issue.  Brochure highlights a property in every issue.  We do geo-caching, family event- over 50 caches in Falmouth.  Suckfish Brook event will be attempted again.  River Point needs bridge work.  The Falmouth Land Trust coordinated with the summer camp program and did some hikes.  Middle & Elementary schools do field trip to Hadlock Community Forest with Bob Shafto each year.  Historical Society & Falmouth Memorial Library do programs in our parks|trails|land trust areas as well.  In the Spring of 2013, the Land Management Team became the Land Management & Acquisition Committee, per town council.

Parks Division Report:  Lucky D’Ascanio reported a good summer transition, keeping up with the mowing. Had a visit by the Division of Labor; parks and rec did well; completed training for working in roadways.  Continuing to put loam down on fields to fight compaction issues, trying to fix drinking fountains at Community Park, and will re-seed in the fall ( a work in progress).  Fields have been closed only once due to rain.  Conclusion: drainage project done well, needs beautification with additional seed, but fields get so much constant play, we need time and coordination to get it up to par.  Professional assessment is that  fields are clay and reality is that it’s too expensive to put 14” loam down, so we will do it over time (a few years).

FCP Update/ Fall Brochure Update:  Lucky reported it was a banner year for day camp! Second year of weekly sessions rather than 2 week sessions;  there were some waitlists.  Preschool struggled a bit for being filled.  It was at Plummer-Motz- and maybe out of the way for families with kids of multiple ages.  Adult trip to PEI was full!  New classes in pastries, singing and guitar.

Mason/Motz Update:  Lucky reported the town council voted to do some sort of Community Center at Motz/Mason.  We have no need for a commercial grade kitchen but could use a regular kitchen.  We may be able to sell the commercial grade equipment.  We can always have larger functions catered.  Where current kitchen is located, could be a new yoga or dance studio type space.  At Sept. meeting we need to brainstorm ideas from 3 years ago….what works and doesn’t.   Meeting will be at Motz/Mason on Sept. 17th  .  Karen and Dominic will meet with Lucky on the 10th, as they are not available on the 17th.Plummer/Motz-Heating is a concern….oil is expensive. Portland school system has approached Oceanview regarding a special needs school for students with special needs, specifically behavorial concerns, at Plummer/Motz.  Maximum of 40 kids; 3 teachers per 8 children, grades K-12.  This has worked in Gorham and Buxton.  Good for tenancy, but we pay 60/40 for heat.  Question is how do we work out heating arrangement and gym use agreement?  We need to upgrade the sprinkler system and HVAC system.  If this school arrangement happens, it will be a 10 month lease.

Old/New Business:  Dominic asked if there is anything the PacPac Committee could do to make our committee more visible to the Falmouth Community.  Lucky will check to see if our committee can volunteer on a food pantry day. (Dottie Blanchette)  We can also help at the tree lighting and have a present wrapping table.
Meeting Dates: Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov. 19, Dec 17, Jan 21, Feb 18, March 18,  April 15, May 20.