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Community Programs Advisory Committee Minutes 11/18/2008
Parks and Community Programs Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes from 11/18/2008

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM
Present:  Skip Varney, Faith Varney, Lucky D’Ascanio, Diane Moore, Steven Tenney, Jack Davis and Brenna Hensley.
The minutes from October 2008 were accepted.
The PACPAC Mission Statement and Philosophy Statement were approved after a minor correction (swapping the order of “Parks” and “Public Works”).
Steve provided an update from the Community Facilities Planning Committee.  They have identified approximately 40 different groups (committees, churches, county clubs, PTO, etc) that they will reach out to in January and February.  These meetings are an effort to engage the public in the planning process, and will be followed by a charette in late March.  Separately, Community Programs will work on its ideal situation regarding the new facility.
Lucky discussed the new winter brochure.  There are additional lunches and events for seniors, including collaborations with community programs departments from surrounding towns.  The Middle School programs are enhanced, helped by additional teaches offering to act as instructors.  The Saturday ski trip (5 weekends) to Sunday River has been revived.  Faith asked whether there has been any demand to transportation to the Senior College.  Lucky is not aware of it, and it has not been discussed.
Skip discussed the new proposal for an ice rick in Village Park.  A group consisting of Family Ice, Casco Bay Hockey and citizens from Falmouth, Cumberland and Yarmouth is looking for additional ice time due to rapidly increasing demand, especially from varsity girls programs.  They would like another indoor, refrigerated arena.  The current idea, in its early stages of discussion, is to build it near the gazebo, and have it maintained by Family Ice.  There would be access for Community Programs, including off-season uses, and should require no cost to the town.
The draft Committee Work Plan was approved.
There was a discussion regarding the cataloguing of cemetery plots in Falmouth.  Community Programs receives frequent inquiries.  Town cemeteries have various forms of recordkeeping.
Lucky attended conferences in Quebec and Baltimore and returned with numerous program ideas and online resources for staff.
Faith encouraged members to reach out to residents who we feel would be good committee members.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM.
Next  meeting to be held in January, 2009.

Respectfully submitted ,
Steven Tenney