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School Board Minutes 8/1/06
Eastport School Department
Eastport, Maine
Meeting of the School Committee
Shead High School
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
7:00 PM

School Committee Members Present: Paula Bouchard, Shannon Emery, Melissa Mitchell and Andrew Seeley. (7:02 p.m.)

School Committee Members Absent: None

Staff Present:  Superintendent Arthur Wittine, Lovina Wormell, Principal Terry Lux.

Others Present: Edward French, Larkin McGarvey and Julia Suddy.

A.  Call the Meeting to Order.

    Chairmember Paula Bouchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

B. Adjustments to the Agenda:

        There were no adjustments to the agenda.

C.  Consideration of School Committee Minutes:  

    To Approve the Minutes of the June 6, 2006 School Committee Meeting, last Written or with
     Corrections, as Recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

    It was moved by Shannon Emery, seconded by Melissa Mitchell and voted
     4 – 0 to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2006 School Committee meeting
     as written.

D.   1.  Principle Of Eastport Elementary School:  This report is attached.
          2.  Principle of Shead High School:  This report is attached.
          3.  School Committee Report:  There was no report.
          4.  Superintendent’s Report:  This report is attached.

 E.  Public Participation.

       Larkin McGarvey asked about the unexpected balance.

 F.  Old Business

      1.  To Consider the Following School Committee Policies:

           a. To Consider Adoption of Policy EFD, Charging of Meals, as written or with Corrections,
                 as Recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.
            It was moved by Shannon Emery, seconded by Melissa Mitchell, and voted 4 – 0 to adopt Policy
            EFD, Charging of Meals, as written, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

           b. To Consider Adoption of Policy JL, Wellness Policy, as written or with Corrections, as
                Recommended by the Su0perintendent of Schools

          It was moved by Melissa Mitchell, seconded by Shannon Emery and voted 4 – 0 to adopt Policy
           JL, Wellness Policy, as written, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.
    G.  New Business.

         1.  To Consider Approval of the No Child Left Behind Grant for the 2006-2007 School Year.

          It was moved by Melissa Mitchell, seconded by Andrew Seeley and voted on 4 - 0 to approve the   
           No Child Left Behind Grant for 2006-2007.    

          2.  To Consider Hiring a Math Teacher at Shead High School for 2006-2007 School Year.

          It was moved by Melissa Mitchell, seconded by Shannon Emery and voted 4 – 0 to hire Gary Morin
           as math teacher at Shead High School for 2006-2007 school year.

          3.  To Consider Establishing School Breakfast and Lunch Prices for the 2006-2007 school
           year.  Current Prices are as Follows:

          Breakfast                                            Lunch
          Full Price Elementary -                  .50                 4K-3 Full Price         $1.10
          Full Price High School               $ 1.30                  4-8 Full Price            1.25
          Reduced Price -                          .30                 9-12 Full Price           1.50
          Adult -                                1.30                  Reduced Price -           1.50
          Milk -                                   .25                 Adult -                   4.20

          It was moved by Andrew Seeley, seconded by Melissa Mitchell and voted 4 – 0 to establish
           breakfast prices at the 2005-2006 rate and to increase lunch and milk prices as follows:  Grades
           4K – 3 lunch price will increase from $1.10 to $1.25, Grades 4 = 8 lunch prices will increase from
           $1.25 to $1.40, Grades 9 – 12 lunch prices will increase from $1.50 to $1.60 and milk prices will  
           increase from $.25 to $.30 for 2006-2007 school year.

          4.  To consider the Following Bids:

          a.  Trash removal.

           No action was taken on this issue.

          b.  Fuel Oil

          It was moved by Melissa Mitchell, seconded by Andrew Seeley and voted 4 – 0 to award Dead
           River the guaranteed price of $2.55/gallon for fuel oil for the 2006-2007 school year.

          c.  Propane

          No action was taken on this item.    

         d.  Bus Fuel.

          No action was taken on this item.

         e.  Bus Labor.

         It was moved by Shannon Emery, seconded by Melissa Mitchell and voted 4 – 0 to award     
          Cummings Garage the bus labor bid for the 2006-2007 school year.

 6.  To Consider the First Reading of Policy J1CK, Bullying, as written or with Corrections, as  
 Recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

    It was moved by Andrew Seeley, seconded by Paula Bouchard, and voted 4 – 0 to approve the first
     reading of Policy J1CK, Bullying, as written, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

7.  To Elect an MSBA Delegate and Alternate to the MSBA Delegate Assembly.

    No action was taken on this item.

H.  Adjournment.

     Paula Bouchard adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Arthur Wittine, Superintendent
Secretary, ex-officio