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Historic Review Board 5/5/05

Meeting called to order 7 p.m.
Members present:  4
Edward French, Wayne Wilcox, Russell Terry and Scott Malloch

Attending from the public:  Carl Young, Municipal Code Enforcement Officer, Ms. Kathryn Lewis, City Councilor, Mrs. Helen Archer and Mrs. Francis Ray, the Border Historical Society, Mr. And Mrs. Cook, The Friends of the Library, Roland LaVallee, Chamber of Commerce and Lora Whelan from Eastport for Pride.

Minutes from the March 3, 2005, meeting were reviewed and approved.

The agenda was adjusted placing New Business ahead of Old Business.
Items 4 & 5.

Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Lindeau for a sign and fence at the Corthell & Gardner building were accepted and reviewed.  First the size and color of the proposed signs was discussed.  The CEO, Mr. Young, indicated that the signs were to be placed in the front of the building extending no more than 4 feet from the property line.

Motion to issue a Certificate for the signs made by Mr. Terry and seconded by Mr. Wilcox.

Vote:  4 Yes - 0 No.

The Board next reviewed the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the fence on the north and west sides of the open deck.  Photographs and past documentation was discussed.  The CEO stated that a movie company, Final Stretch Productions, installed the fence with a building permit in 2001.  The permit required that all structures put up by the company be removed following completion of the movie unless the property owners applied for the proper certificates and/or permits.  The CEO stated that he had been working with 2 previous owners to come into compliance with limited success.  The fence has been reduced in size and repaired but no certificates or authorizations have been obtained.

Ms. Lewis stated that more than one complaint had been made.  The CEO agreed that complaints, written and verbal, had been made.  Mrs. Archer mentioned that the height of the fence was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.  The CEO said that was correct but the Ordinance did allow the CEO to grant permission for higher fences and that to sate all such requests were granted.  
Mr. Malloch stated that he felt that the fence style was not consistent with the adjacent structures within the District.

The Board generally did not feel, without more information from the property owners, that at this time a Certificate could be issued for the fence as a temporary or permanent structure.

Motion by Mr. Malloch, seconded by Mr. Wilcox to table the matter until a special meeting could be set up, prior to Memorial Day, with Mr. And Mrs. Lindeau.

Vote:  4 Yes - 0 No

The CEO was directed to contact the property owners and arrange for a meeting with the Board on a date that they would be able to attend.

Next, the Board reviewed an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by the Eastport Library Association for proposed changed to the front walkway.

Mrs. Cook explained that 2 possible changes were being discussed.  One would create a ramp from the existing stairs to the sidewalk and the other a 2-step tier.  The construction material may be sandstone.

Mr. French felt that a Certificate would be needed for the project.

Mr. Terry asked how the project would fit in with the plans to repair the city sidewalks.  Several people mentioned that the sidewalk project might not extend past Dana Street.

The board was in general agreement that the full ramp proposal would significantly detract from the existing historical architecture.

The Board decided to table action on the request until the next meeting when the applicant might have more definite plans.

The Board reviewed an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, submitted by the City and Chamber of Commerce, to re-install the fisherman statue in the fish pier parking lot.

Mr. LaVallee described plans for the base, which will be smaller at the top than the prior base.

A question was raised concerning lighting.  Mr. LaVallee said that the lighting had not been decided upon yet but did say that the previous method would not be used.

Motion by Mr. Terry, seconded by Mr. Malloch to issue a Certificate for the installation of the Fisherman’s Statue.

Vote:  4 Yes - 0 No

The Board next reviewed an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, submitted by B.M.J.T. Corporation, for renovations and the installation of a clock at the former Masonic Building.

Diagrams of the proposed building trim were reviewed.  The Board felt that clarification as to the new building trim size and material will be needed before action on the application can be taken.

The matter was tabled until the next meeting.

Next, the Board reviewed the proposed clock installation.  Drawings and documentation concerning the size, shape and color of the clock were provided and reviewed.

Ms. Whelan asked if the clock would be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.  The CEO indicated that the clock would be considered a sign and as such may extend beyond the property line and would be limited to 16 square feet in size.

The Board generally felt that the design of the clock was in keeping with the period of construction of the building.

Motion by Mr. Malloch, seconded by Mr. Wilcox to issue a Certificate for the installation of the proposed clock.

Vote:  4 Yes  - 0 No

Old Business

Mr. French informed the Board that the City Manager has indicated that the basic building and landscaping design at the former A & P site, for which the Board issued a Certificate, has not changed.

The Board asked the Code Enforcement Officer for an update concerning the Zoning Violation issued to Mr. Rinaldi for building conditions at the Leavitt Block.

Mr. Young indicated that to date no exterior work has been attempted subsequent to the issuance of the violation but the owner has contacted Pottle’s Masonry concerning repairs.

Ms. Whelan asked if the owner had been notified concerning the damage to the front window casing and the disconnected brick of the northwest corner.  The CEO stated that he had not written Mr. Rinaldi about these conditions as of yet.

Mr. French asked the date of the last correspondence with the owner.  The CEO stated that the last letter sent was in September of 2004 and that Mr. Rinaldi had responded.

Mr. Young said he would contact Pottle’s Masonry and Mr. Rinaldi and determine if any repairs are pending.

The Board expressed a general concern about the lack of action taken by the owner to rectify the conditions sited in the Zoning Violation issued by the Code Officer.
Motion by Mr. Terry, seconded by Mr. Malloch that it is the opinion of the Board, should information not be forthcoming indicating that the necessary repairs are planned, that the provisions of Section (7) concerning enforcement procedures, be followed and should be followed and should the matter be presented to the City Council it be forwarded to the City Attorney for action.

Vote:  4 Yes - 0 No

Ms. Lewis asked about the deteriorating north side of the Anthony Liss building adjacent to Overlook Park.  The Board indicated that the Liss Building was not in the Historic District.

Ms. Whelan asked if the Board knew about any plans for the former Dudley building (now owned by GEM Preservation).  The CEO stated that this building was not in the Historical District.  

The Code Enforcement Officer commented that in the years following the City’s adoption of the condition and market value between buildings within the district and those not.

The Board discussed construction progress at the former Hayscale Building now owned by The Commons.  The CEO was asked to send the building owners a letter inquiring as to their for completion of the building renovations for which the Board has issued a Certificate of Appropriateness.

Renovations at the Post Office were discussed.  Mr. French stated that the Maine Preservation Commission has reviewed the plans for the window replacements but not for any changes to the tower.

Mr. Malloch stated that problems with leaking have developed with the new replacement windows.
The Board felt that no action was needed at this time.

Restoration work at the 1812 Powder House was discussed.  Mr. Terry reported that grounds work has begun and that members of the local Knights of Pythias Lodge have been pitching in.

Open Forum

The Board received and accepted the resignation of Board Member Mrs. Ellen Angel.

An Agenda for the next meeting was set with the date left open pending confirmation from Mr. And Mrs. Lindeau.

9 p.m. Motion by Mr. Malloch, seconded by Mr. Terry to adjourn.

Vote:  4 Yes - 0 No

Carl Young, Code Enforcement Office,  by Direction of the Board.