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Eastport Planning Board Meetng Minutes 12/7/05
DECEMBER 7, 2005, 6:00 P.M.

Members Present: S Collins, M Emery, S Emery, A Salleroli, and R Scott

Others present: C. Young, CEO

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM

Adjustments to meeting agenda:  None

Review of minutes: Motion:  A. Salleroli, Second: S. Emery to accept minutes


Chairman Collins stated that we needed to schedule a public hearing for the zoning ordinance permit fees and asked if there were any objections or further recommendations.  After some discussion it was decided to use the following verbiage:  “Application to the Planning Board for which a Public Hearing is required shall be accompanied by a filing fee to cover the cost of publication of notices.  The minimum fee will be no less than $25.

CEO Young will make the changes to the amendment and Chairman Collins will sign on December 8, 2005, for a scheduled January 4, 2005 public hearing.

CEO Young has gotten a reply from Maine Municipal Association (MMA) about our September meeting discussion on land survey requirement for all land sales.  Basically, MMA states they have never heard of this from a legal standpoint; that it was only required by banks for mortgage purposes.  They see no driving force for a need or a precedent for requiring a survey after any and all land sales.  There was more general discussion by the Board member for and against.   S. Emery asked if the Board needed to make a decision on the matter and Chairman Collins stated we did not, that it was just a discussion at this point.  The matter was dropped.

Chairman Collins asked if any members wanted to go to the Calais Planning Board meeting in lieu of MMA training on Board protocol.  All members said they were willing to go.  CEO Young will check on Calais’s January meeting.


The owners of the former American Can Plant on Sea Street have requested the Historic Review Board (HRB) to included said building in the Eastport Historic District.  The HRB has sent an application to the Planning Board for a change to the Zoning Ordinance and maps.  The public hearing will be schedules for our January 4, 2006 meeting.

There was some discussion as to whether the HRB or the property owner should have requested the ordinance and map changes.  CEO Young stated that it should be all right as is since the law states there is no need to right and title of a property to amend the zoning change.  Chairman Collins asked that in future the HRB have the property owner sign the application and that the HRB meeting minutes be forwarded as well as the application.

The new issue of the Shoreland Zoning News was passed out to the Board members.  LD158 requires a change to our ordinance timber-harvesting requirements.   Chairman Collins will get with CEO Young on this and other changes for the next meeting in January.

CEO Young stated that if the Board members would e-mail their address to him he would be able to e-mail meeting minutes and other information and materials to all.  H passed out his business card to all members and said it was a good way for the City Hall to go paperless and also save money on postage.

Open Forum:  CEO Young said he received a letter from Mr. Sheroff about the application mix-up on his Madison Avenue Property.  Basically, he said it was no problem and, referring to CEO Young, that is was good to deal with someone with high integrity.

The next meeting’s agenda and public hearings were set and a date of January 4, 2006, agreed upon.

Motion:  R. Scott, Second, A Salleroli to adjourn.
